Payday: The Heist - Discussion Thread


Developer: - Overkill Software

Publisher: - Sony Online Entertainment

Platforms: PC, PS3 (PSN)

Type: Action FPS

Mode: Single Player, Multiplayer

Release Date: - October 18 2011

Official Trailer:


IGN rewarded a humble 7.5 on 10 for the PS3 version of the game. Here's the video review:


The gameplay trailer reminds me of the opening sequence in The Dark Knight, when Joker and his masked men neatly pulls off a bank robbery. Visuals may not be all that great but I'll try the game and post the impressions later. :p


Forgot to pitch in! Had completed the game last weekend on solo. The ridiculously stupid AI made the last 2 missions extremely hard to complete. Thus, it is pretty much advisable to play this title on LAN co-op. At least a second human player can REALLY help! It has got to be a LOT of fun with some VoIP app. like Skype.

There are a total of 6 heist missions to be completed and all the 6 missions differ from one another in terms of the objectives. And the missions become progressively harder because the lower difficulties get locked out towards the last missions. i.e the first two missions can be played on Easy to get a feel of the game, the next two can be played on Normal with the Easy mode greyed out and the last two can be played on Hard mode with the Normal and Easy mode locked. The last two can get painfully hard because the AI tend to not think like humans at times (for instance, they don't feel its important to revive a downed team member quickly if they are battling out a bunch of cops; we run out of time and lose the game!)

There isn't any underlying plot or storyline. There are 4 team members who are essentially criminals - Hoxton, Dallas, Wolf and Chains. As far as the six missions go, they include bank robbery, chasing down a HVT, robbing a vault from some junkies' apartment etc. The game somehow feels like a mix of the spec-ops missions from COD: MW 2 and L4D. There are no save points in the game. You have a limited set of arsenal and ammo (assault rifle and a silenced pistol). As the game progresses and objectives are completed, upgrades are unlocked (for instance an ammo bag can be deployed at a location to replenish the ammo, recoil of the assault rifle is largely reduced etc). The opponents can get really nasty during the later levels and can become a Serious Sam affair at times!

The game features excellent sound tracks during the course of missions but voice acting is lame. Loved the game nonetheless (since I had nothing else to spend the weekend on!) Guys who are into MP may love the game for the occasional TP fun! :p


Secret Agent Man
May 12, 2005
Began the game yesterday night on Hard mode. We took a lot of beating initially, but then again, we like our difficulty raised in co-op titles, so bring it on. This game involves a lot of planning to be in place, prior to the heist. A lot of which depends on where and which kind of cops we are dealing with. The ones which really pissed us off were the Tasers, Bulldozers and Cloakers. Tasers were the worst, as their attack would render us completely helpless. We managed to clear the first heist after 10 odd tries. I have picked Dallas and my current reputation level is 11. Too bad my card died right after ending this game.

Will continue with the game, once my new card arrives. But it's totally fun.


Secret Agent Man
May 12, 2005
Been trying to completed the second level (Heat Street) and each time, we keep getting our ass handed to us. The game uses very cheap tactics on higher difficulty setting. We tried to speed-run and got knocked down. There's just unlimited number of cops and heavies spawning in from everywhere. With limited ammo, we have to clear this one long level. It's ridiculous.

Hope we get some strategy in place tonight.


Secret Agent Man
May 12, 2005
and we didn't switch to normal. HUZZAH!

We completed the game last night. I didn't think we would be able to complete Heat Street, but we pulled through. All the levels, post that, were pretty easy. You won't believe it when I say that we had started 'Heat Street' level with 12 reputation status and ended up completing it with 50 reputation.

My final rep was 62 I think. Sam stood the highest at 65 I believe, closely followed by Gaurav. Not sure what level Ankur was on. But I'd say this was a kick-ass game. Pretty under-rated, but awesome fun to play with your buddies. SP would have been a damp experience IMO.

Also, for those who want to get a taste of this game over steam, here's a good news:

PAYDAY: The Heist Free Weekend Now Underway on Steam

Valve and Sony Online Entertainment are running a very special offer for a strictly limited time: For this weekend only, PAYDAY: The Heist is free to play on the Steam digital download service. Those who subsequently take a liking to this co-op game of robbers vs. cops bank-robbing action will be pleased to learn that the game is currently 50% off.

Source: Gamesonnet

People who are free this weekend, try this game out. It's definitely great fun with your co-op buddies. Happy heist-ing!


Sep 9, 2008
Any of you guys willing to pitch along with me for a 4key game of PAYDAY the heist on steam!!!?? I so want to do this coop .its 30$ only two days left!


Sep 9, 2008
I admit this game is awesome fun in coop with friends..

We find it damn hard even in normal difficulty int the second level(Heat Street), our reputations are in the range of 5-7.There are too many damn cops on the streets, we simply run out of ammo on our M4's..Is there a strategy or something we need to unlock before attempting this stage in normal??


Secret Agent Man
May 12, 2005
Ram, try to build the strategy on your own. It's more enjoyable that way. We went through possibly all the video walkthroughs, out of frustration on the hard level, but none of them proved to be of any help. In the end, we just coordinated aggressively and took lessons from our past mistakes.

The reputation level that you're on is a bit low to get proper upgrades, but on normal mode, it shouldn't be that difficult. Hard was completely unforgiving. I'll just provide you a initial tip, which may help you at the start of the level. This is what we always did in our play through:

As soon as you guys begin the level and pursue Matt, just run, run your ass off. Ignore all the cops and just keep sprinting till you reach the crash site. This is to avoid all the heat you'll be taking at the start, as it can be a very annoying journey. Even if one of your players goes down during this marathon run, it's OK. Once you reach the crash site, just take one of the civilians as hostage and trade them for your partner within a few secs. From there, you guys are on your own. Plan up a strategy and keep pushing forward. Let's us know how it goes. Good Luck!


Sep 9, 2008
Hmmm alrightwe ll try something tonight!

Yesterday we tried the same level in easy and it was almost way too eazzay!


Secret Agent Man
May 12, 2005
Payday: The Heist Wolfpack DLC Released, Game Now 75% Off

Overkill Software released the first premium DLC pack for their co-op shooter Payday: The Heist. The new gameplay content, which includes two new heists, can be purchased through PSN or Steam for $9.99.

The first heist, "Undercover," tasks players with fighting off police who trying to break up a back alley deal. "Counterfeit" is centered around an underground money printer. Players have to be quiet or they'll cause civilians to run and call the police.

The new missions are just one part of the DLC pack. Wolfpack also introduces new Trophies/Achievements and raises the level cap. The auto handgun, assault rifle and grenade launcher will give players new ways to fend off the fuzz. They can also take on the role of the Technician, a character with a sentry-gun and tool kit.

You don't have to buy Wolfpack to try it out. You can join a match hosted by someone who owns the DLC and play the new content for no charge. This should prevent the player community from fragmenting and also seduce players into purchasing the DLC.

In honor of Wolfpack's release, Steam is offering Payday at a 75% discount. This brings the game's price down to $4.99, half the cost of the DLC itself.

Source: Cinema Blend
