OSX 10.4.4 cracked


OSX 10.4.4 cracked : Hours before 10.4.5 is released

THAT DIDN'T TAKE long now did it? Yesterday I said that it would probably be much easier to run OSX on a PC than it would be to run XP on a MacIntelIntosh. Golly, look what happened, OSX 10.4.4 was cracked, and there is a patch floating around. Chalk one up for foresight.

Now, there are a few caveats. Apple worked long and hard on this one, and deserve to sell good hardware for its efforts, don't rip them off, there is no moral stance here.

If you do have a valid licence to do so however, you might want to be careful, the current state of the patch still pretty rough.

To make things a bit more of a cat and mouse effort, a few hours after that, 10.4.5 was released, and this one undoubtedly has new security measures. In a shocking twist, I predict that this one will be cracked hours before 10.4.6 is released. Apple seems to be on the ball here, and is paying close attention. Game on.
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Source : Inquirer

APPLE IS calling in the forces of cosmic justice for those who hack its OS X operating system.

Buried in the system is a poem that warns hackers against stealing the Mac operating system. Ironically the poem was found on the OSx86 Project, which has just suffered legal action by Apple.

The poem says: "Your karma check for today: There once was a user that whined his existing OS was so blind, he'd do better to pirate an OS that ran great but found his hardware declined. Please don't steal Mac OS! Really, that's way uncool. (C) Apple Computer Inc."

Not going to win many awards, but according to Information Week, Apple has confirmed that the poem was embedded in the OS by its developers, so it is not surprising that it is bad. The big idea is that by invoking karmic consequences for their actions, the hackers might be deterred, a spokesApple said.

We are not sure if it is wise to work out what another person’s karma could be. It could be Apple’s karma to be hacked.
Btw, guys i just managed to run Mac OS X on AMD Athlon 64 with lots of experiments. Its not entirly functional, as sound card is disabled and iTunes keeps on hanging my system.