Nokia E50 or N70


Hi guys!

Would buy a smart phone - budget around 15K. Which one do you recommend the E50 or N70 :)

E50 pros
Newer version of OS
Better screen

I think its more sturdy than the E50
better camera and music

Which one is more value per buck?

Let me know what you think.....Also where in mumbai do i get the best deal (with papers ofcourse)

E50 is much slimmer then N70 (22mm vs 15mm) and has much better build quality.. also a QVGA screen, symbian 3rd edition are great

buy N70 only if u want a better camera and FM... oh and E50 has better keypad and battery life....also it has usb mass storage and a better music player....(same as N73,3250)

It is supplied with mono headset but anyway Nokia stereo headsets are crap... better get ad15 adapter and use your own headset....
Thanks! Looks like i will go for the E50

I enquired about the price here in kandivali Nokia - they quoted me 13.5K - is the price ok? I think someone in the forum once said it was around 12K

And how much for the ad15?


Hmmm . It should be somewhere around 13k mark i guess. . One more thing . When you go to buy e50 do check if you are comfortable with the font size . . . Some guys do find it small. . . Ad15 is around 800 bucks officially . . :)