PC Peripherals New Rig


Hi guys,

I had already posted a question about i7 upgrades(http://www.techenclave.com/cpu-mobo-corner/planning-an-i7-upgrade-worth-it-125226.html). After going through lots of reviews and seeing first hand problems faced by my friends(and no price drop), I have decided to put it on hold. For now am planning on an upgrade to the Quad Core. Well, here are my requirements.

1. I have an ATi 4850 running without issues. I want to run it in CrossFire on my new rig. So please suggest me a motherboard for the same. If it were SLI, I know the nForce chipset will do, but clueless on this.

2. I have decided on Q9400 / 2.66 GHZ. Is this a good option?

3. IIRC Vista does not support more than 3GB RAM. So I think that will do.

4. I already have a 250 GB HDD and a SATA DVD-RW.

5. I will also need a new PSU. I have decided on Corsair, but what model. And am from Chennai so where do I get it?

6. How is the OC'ability of this processor?

And lastly is there an alternative to Intel in the form of AMD. How good are the PHENOM 940/920 compared to the Quad Core in Performance? I know that they are no match for i7 but how do they hold out to the QuadCores? And also how will the upgradeability roadmap be(if its AMD, cos I very well know of Intel)? Am planning to keep this system for atleast another 3 years.
how much is ur budget?

i think it will be better if u go for Phenom II - 920 and Biostar 790GX. It will perform better than Q9400..

Also, the upgradeability of AMD seems more promising than intels.. they are going to replace the LGA 775 sockets soon..
Well, going by the prices of Quad core proccy+Mboard, my price split up is as follows:

1. 13K for proccessor

2. 14K for Mboard

3. 3K for RAM

4. 5K - 6K for PSU

5. 8 - 9K for Graphics card

I think this suffices my requirements. Moreover I might be going in for upgrades part by part. Yeah, I know that the LGA775 are going to be replaced. But how do u say AMD is better? Aren't their AM3's bound for replacement too?
Aparajith said:

3. IIRC Vista does not support more than 3GB RAM. So I think that will do.


Vista (depending on your version) can access/use upto 128 GB of memory.

Physical Memory Limits: Windows Vista

The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows Vista.

Version | Limit in 32-bit Windows | Limit in 64-bit Windows

Windows Vista Ultimate | 4 GB | 128 GB

Windows Vista Enterprise | 4 GB | 128 GB

Windows Vista Business | 4 GB | 128 GB

Windows Vista Home Premium | 4 GB | 16 GB

Windows Vista Home Basic | 4 GB | 8 GB

Windows Vista Starter | 1 GB | Not applicable

Source = Memory Limits for Windows Releases (Windows)

woot! i now know how to use tables :D
Aparajith said:
Well, going by the prices of Quad core proccy+Mboard, my price split up is as follows:

1. 13K for proccessor
2. 14K for Mboard
3. 3K for RAM
4. 5K - 6K for PSU
5. 8 - 9K for Graphics card

I think this suffices my requirements. Moreover I might be going in for upgrades part by part. Yeah, I know that the LGA775 are going to be replaced. But how do u say AMD is better? Aren't their AM3's bound for replacement too?

Dont be under the impression that the LGA 775 line-up is going to get outdated soon. The top-end quad and dual cores still pack a punch when it comes to processing power for games and crunching applications alike. ;)

The budget u've presently set apart is low for a Core i7 based system. The cheapest motherboard would be around 15k, the i7 920 is priced at another 15k, 3 gigs of decent DDR-3 RAM would set u back by 6k.

What I'd suggest you instead, is:

Q9650 - ~15k
Gigabyte P45 UD3P - ~9k IINM
2x2 GB RAM - Depends on the kit; (3.2k and above)
Antec Earthwatts 650 - ~5.5k
Another HD4850 - <9k

Not very impressed abt the AMD line-up so I dont keep track of their processors. But the motherboards for the Phenom IIs dont cost a bomb! U get a good 790GX based motherboard for <7k. :p
@Gunman: I know, that why I do not want to go for an i7 system. Thanks for the suggestion on Quad-cores.

@sTALKEr: thanx for the info man.:)
^Seems like RoBoGhOsT is intending to sell his rig; same specs as I've laid down^ but the RAMs he own is one of the best/expensive. Send him a PM and see if u can bite the deal. ;)
Aparajith said:
Well, going by the prices of Quad core proccy+Mboard, my price split up is as follows:

1. 13K for proccessor
2. 14K for Mboard
3. 3K for RAM
4. 5K - 6K for PSU
5. 8 - 9K for Graphics card

I think this suffices my requirements. Moreover I might be going in for upgrades part by part. Yeah, I know that the LGA775 are going to be replaced. But how do u say AMD is better? Aren't their AM3's bound for replacement too?

14k for LAG775 mboard??:huh: :S Wt mobo do you exactly plan to run?? You wanna crossfire so i suggest go for a Asus P5QE(arnd 10.5k) or P5Q Pro(should be arnd 9.5k max) or like Gunman suggested The Gigabyte P45 UD3P and get a Q9550 for 15k.. Get a SCCF or TRUE from the money saved.
What resolution are you gaming on? If you can wait a while before you upgrade your graphics card and then maybe get a better one later?? Unless you're playing at Full HD i guess holding on for a while to get a better card shouldn't be a prob :) 4850 suffice's for most things.. :eek:hyeah:
Also I'm gettin a Corsair TX650w for 7.3k :mad: which should be more then enuf for your rig as well.
As for AMD.. wel the AM3 will be around for a while i guess.. Not so sure about AM2+.. You can go for a AM3 but then those DDR3 prices :mad: Stick to Core 2 quad.. You have the budget for it.. You can easily take this setup to 3.4-3.6 GHZ without breaking a sweat and many have managed to take it even further.. :hap2:
I checked the P5N-D's cost at http://www.deltapage.com/. It was mentioned as 14350/-. So I assumed that a crossfire mobo would cost similar. Thanks for the heads-up. As of now I have only a 17" LCD monitor, planning to go for a 24-inch in a month's time. So wanted a crossfire setup to be future-proof and avoid frequent upgrades. I think a crosfire setup should last a bit longer than a single card setup, right?

1. The Q9550 costs - 14,975

2. Have to check Mobo. Not listed at DeltaPage < 10,500

3. OCZ Gold DDR2 800 Mhz - 2GB*2 - 1500*2 -- 3000

4. ATi 4850 - ~9K

5. Antec Earthwatts 650 - ~5.5k

Total comes to : 42 - 43K.

And yeah, going by popular demand, I think its Intel this time around for me.
Gunman said:
Dont be under the impression that the LGA 775 line-up is going to get outdated soon. The top-end quad and dual cores still pack a punch when it comes to processing power for games and crunching applications alike. ;)

well.. if u want to upgrade after an year, the 775 will be obsolete by then.. intel is pushing hard the new LGA 1160 sockets for i5 machines which will become the mainstream next year when they are released..

but for amd, 790 based mobos will support am3 processors also and ull sure have a path to upgrade after an year or 2..
masterBrain said:
well.. if u want to upgrade after an year, the 775 will be obsolete by then.. intel is pushing hard the new LGA 1160 sockets for i5 machines which will become the mainstream next year when they are released..

but for amd, 790 based mobos will support am3 processors also and ull sure have a path to upgrade after an year or 2..

In that case a Phenom X4 940 paired with a 790 mobo is the way to go? Can u give me a mobo based on the chipset supporting crossfire? Deltapage website still has only 780 based mobos.
masterBrain said:
well.. if u want to upgrade after an year, the 775 will be obsolete by then.. intel is pushing hard the new LGA 1160 sockets for i5 machines which will become the mainstream next year when they are released..

but for amd, 790 based mobos will support am3 processors also and ull sure have a path to upgrade after an year or 2..

AM3 mobos means DDR3 RAM which imo is the biggest problem costwise. Its just TOO costly rite now for the performance it gives. If you get a DDR2 mobo then you'll just have to change both mobo and RAM to get any noticeable difference that you won't get by simple overclocking. Correct me if i'm wrong :)

Aparajith said:
I checked the P5N-D's cost at http://www.deltapage.com/. It was mentioned as 14350/-. So I assumed that a crossfire mobo would cost similar. Thanks for the heads-up. As of now I have only a 17" LCD monitor, planning to go for a 24-inch in a month's time. So wanted a crossfire setup to be future-proof and avoid frequent upgrades. I think a crosfire setup should last a bit longer than a single card setup, right?

1. The Q9550 costs - 14,975

2. Have to check Mobo. Not listed at DeltaPage < 10,500

3. OCZ Gold DDR2 800 Mhz - 2GB*2 - 1500*2 -- 3000

4. ATi 4850 - ~9K

5. Antec Earthwatts 650 - ~5.5k

Total comes to : 42 - 43K.

And yeah, going by popular demand, I think its Intel this time around for me.

I didn't say don't crossfire. I said wait a while before getting that second card. You might even get a better deal by say.. selling off you 4850 and getting one of the newer Radeon's due out soon.. That gives you a good return on the 4850 as well plus a better upgrade path with a newer faster card to crossfire later on :) On a 17 incher i suppose the 4850 is cursing you fr putting it in the system :bleh: No offense.. But until you get that new monitor a second card would just be useless. Infact your 4850 is pretty much useless rite now.. So why overspend?? That money would be better spent on somethng that you know you'll NOT change like the PSU or a better RAM set like the Dominator's or somethng. Save up for another month and Get the second card when you need it along with your new monitor.. :hap2:
Aparajith said:
In that case a Phenom X4 940 paired with a 790 mobo is the way to go? Can u give me a mobo based on the chipset supporting crossfire? Deltapage website still has only 780 based mobos.

Here you go mate


Since you got the money get Asus one...or you can even settle for the Biostar t(since you are going for crossfire) i guess comes dirt cheap...:cool2:

Phenom X4 940 Quad Core-3.0GHz 12975 or yeah get the X3 one

OCZ Gold DDR2 800 Mhz - 2GB*2 - 1500*2 -- 3000 or Gskill Pi's

ASUS M3A78-T deluxe 12k or something

HX 620 or Antec Eartwats 650 W 5k-6k

4850 - 8700 or something and you have awesome config
rahulhbk said:
AM3 mobos means DDR3 RAM which imo is the biggest problem costwise. Its just TOO costly rite now for the performance it gives. If you get a DDR2 mobo then you'll just have to change both mobo and RAM to get any noticeable difference that you won't get by simple overclocking. Correct me if i'm wrong :)

most of the AM3 mobos out there now support DDR2 memory only. They are just Am2+ momos which support AM3 processors after a bios update..
and regarding the difference between DDR2 and DDR3, see this article..
AnandTech: DDR3 vs. DDR2

it says the memory controller has to do more than just DDR2 or DDR3 or the timings..
Ok am venturing into i7 territory again. After a few months of oscillations I have decided to get myself an i7 based system. A few of my friends are coming from Singapore/Malaysia and have agreed to get the following parts for me as it works out cheaper.

1. i7 920 processor.
2. 4GB(2GB*2) Corsair DDR3 RAM
3. A motherboard. Am totally lost here.

I do not want INTEL or ASUS(Rashi peripherals). How good are MSI and GIGABYTE? Gigabyte seems to be having a wide array of models(EX58-EXTREME, GA-EX58-UD5, GA-EX58-UD4P, GA-EX58-UD4, GA-EX58-UD3R, GA-EX58-DS4) and MSI is having 4 models(Eclipse SLI, X58 Platinum, X58 Platinum SLI, X58 Pro, X58 Pro SLI).

My requirements are as follows:

1. I WILL overclock(probably later, not now)
2. I have a 4850 now. Will crossfire it soon. If by then nVidia pull up their sock I want the option of going in for SLI.
3. I will probably NEVER use 12 GB of RAM although the options are provided.
4. I GAME, GAME, GAME and do lots of video editing(not professional, just personal).

From my above requirements I see that X58 Pro SLI and X58 Platinum SLI suffice my requirements from the MSI stable, cos both of them support SLI and CROSSFIRE as well. But what about GIGABYTE? Now will please someone suggest the better x58 board out of MSI and GIGABYTE.

I checked these articles:
AnandTech: Intel X58 Motherboard Roundup - What does $300 Get You?
MADSHRIMPS - Hardware Reviews ,Crazy Projects, Modding Tutorials and Overclocking
Aparajith said:
Ok am venturing into i7 territory again. After a few months of oscillations I have decided to get myself an i7 based system. A few of my friends are coming from Singapore/Malaysia and have agreed to get the following parts for me as it works out cheaper.

1. i7 920 processor.
2. 4GB(2GB*2) Corsair DDR3 RAM
3. A motherboard. Am totally lost here.

I do not want INTEL or ASUS(Rashi peripherals). How good are MSI and GIGABYTE? Gigabyte seems to be having a wide array of models(EX58-EXTREME, GA-EX58-UD5, GA-EX58-UD4P, GA-EX58-UD4, GA-EX58-UD3R, GA-EX58-DS4) and MSI is having 4 models(Eclipse SLI, X58 Platinum, X58 Platinum SLI, X58 Pro, X58 Pro SLI).

My requirements are as follows:

1. I WILL overclock(probably later, not now)
2. I have a 4850 now. Will crossfire it soon. If by then nVidia pull up their sock I want the option of going in for SLI.
3. I will probably NEVER use 12 GB of RAM although the options are provided.
4. I GAME, GAME, GAME and do lots of video editing(not professional, just personal).

From my above requirements I see that X58 Pro SLI and X58 Platinum SLI suffice my requirements from the MSI stable, cos both of them support SLI and CROSSFIRE as well. But what about GIGABYTE? Now will please someone suggest the better x58 board out of MSI and GIGABYTE.

I checked these articles:
AnandTech: Intel X58 Motherboard Roundup - What does $300 Get You?
MADSHRIMPS - Hardware Reviews ,Crazy Projects, Modding Tutorials and Overclocking

Gigabyte X58 - UD3R.