Camera new digital camera

i want a new digital camera under 16K

any brand

wanna mostly use it for some nature photography or some casual portraits.

optical zoom should be more (wide angle lenses)

resolution (anything between 10mp to 12mp is fine)

Two cameras that would perfectly fit in your budget are the Nikon Coolpix L100 and the Fujifilm S2000HD.

Both are extremely good cameras with more than 10X optical zoom and the Fujifilm also records HD videos @720P.

If you could slightly increase your budget to 18k, you can get yourself the Panasonic FZ35/38 which is currently the best super-zoom compact camera in the world whose performance is similar to a DSLR!
Just close your eyes and pick up a FZ35. (Make sure to stand just beside the camera so that you can pick it up with eyes closed ;) :p ) .