Need Simultaneous connection Two Routers on BSNL line (Bridge+PPPoE) or (both PPPoE)


Kampooter Lover
Can we connect Two routers to single BSNL Broadband line ?
i want to connect a Router to my desktop (which i kept in Bridge mode right now for BSNL 600 Night U plan ) and a wireless router (PPPoE to access wifi net) in another room .
I guess splitter wont work in this situation .

at Present i have to keep my both routers at same place and have to switch the BSNl line to access one of the above.
i guess u didnt got my question right .
what i want to use is one router for computer ; second at another place for wireless internet access
What is the distance between the two locations? You can only have one router connected to a single DSL line. However, what you can do is connect the wireless router to the first router via a long ethernet cable. But that comes with it's own set of hassles! If the distance between the location of the PC and the location where you want wireless access aren't too far apart and is within range of the wireless router hooked up to location #1 , why not just leave the wireless router hooked up? Less hassle that way.
You can only have one router connected to a single DSL line. .
Considering the fact ; i have to keep both routers at same place ;and switch the line to the required router.
One Networking engineer adviced me to Intercom the BSNl line by calling them , but i know that wont work either.
thanks for your replies :signthankspin: