Need help in figuring out how to RMA my PowerColor Red Dragon 5700 XT


I had purchased a Power Color Red Dragon 5700 XT from Prime ABGB in MAY 2020 without an invoice but I was assured of manufacturers warranty until 3 years from date of manufacture from Dec 2019.

Earlier this year, my card just died on me and I submitted the card to Prime ABGB om 14 AUG, 2021. Attached with this post is the RMA receipt as i have received from Prime ABGB.
As per my conversation with their RMA department, Power Color has mentioned to them that there is an internal damage on the card. They claim that they have received an email from Power Color mentioning that the GPU will not be replaced even though the damage is internal.

Even after repeatedly requesting Prime ABGB to forward that email to me, I still haven't been forwarded the mail from Prime ABGB... and for the reply that i have received from the owner of Prime is that 'Physical damage at such a time no one will entertain at all' and ' We have done our best to support'.

What i would like to understand from anyone who understands the process of RMA is whether... internal damage falls under the purview of manufacturer mistake or is that looked upon as user's mistake.
If it considered as a manufacturer's mistake, then what is the best course of action that could be taken by me to get a replacement for the GPU since I am very confident that there is no physical damage on the outside of the GPU at all. I have been very careful in handling the GPU and at the time of submitting the GPU, there was no damage on the card on the outside of the card and the warranty sticker was also intact on the GPU.

Any help in this matter would be extremely appreciated.


  • WhatsApp Image 2021-12-01 at 4.01.39 PM.jpeg
    WhatsApp Image 2021-12-01 at 4.01.39 PM.jpeg
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Yup.... i was saving up on the cost of gpu at the time......

Would PowerColor .... be able to honour the replacement based on the manufacturing date .... without a purchase invoice?
Firstly, why buy it without an invoice? Did they wave off any charges?
Ask for invoice from Pirmeabgb.
Then get in direct tough with powercolor via below links..

Because without a valid invoice no co. will entertain.

Shout on Twitter.
Yup.... i was saving up on the cost of gpu at the time......

Would PowerColor .... be able to honour the replacement based on the manufacturing date .... without a purchase invoice?
No unless you have something to prove. Convince the shop to give your something in writing.
Or try with the rma receipt stating you lost h invoice etc. but powercolor might ask you to obtain a copy from the shop.
Yup.... i was saving up on the cost of gpu at the time......

Would PowerColor .... be able to honour the replacement based on the manufacturing date .... without a purchase invoice?
Normally warranty is based on the serial number but if the service center walas insist to provide Invoice then you need to show him or them the Invoice. So ask to provide you with an Invoice.
Feels like either PrimeABGB or Powercolor are scamming me/ =( . Do you'll think sending legal notice will help?

or is this just bad luck you feel?