My new bike - Stealth Fighter

More then the bike i salute to your determination. Every tom,dick and harry can get a bike but not everyone have the same grit as you do. Good luck for the furture and as i mentioned this to you earlier, Dont just follow it as a hobby, you have the potential to go pro.
nukeu666 said:
He will be a lean, mean cycling machine representing the state/nation while the inactive of us will be soft, potbellied uncles who cant climb a flight of stairs without getting winded or push away things we wanted as kids because "I'm too old for this shiz" :p

Encouraging to know you were 90kg till last year...Ive gone from 87 to 81 this year...hope to get down to 75 after graduating p90x

Hey Nukeu

I've done a summer of Beachbody insanity and it is responsible mostly for my legs :) Gosh so many jumps!

Today i fell on the road (my first fall this year), my shoe's old worn off cleats came off the pedals at 36kmph while i was aiming to reach 45kmph on the roads. Was clueless for 2minutes. My helmet saved my life. To those cyclists who dont wear hemets, this is a good example . You dont need to die to understand that its ur life saver. I was fine except a bruised arm and leg. Rode a strong 60k afterwards and i did achieve 50+ speeds. Was faster than motorized bikes for most of the trip.

Tomorrow i'll be back on my bike. The shoe problem is fixed. That's how my world runs :)

“If you worried about falling off the bike, you’d never get on.”

Lance Armstrong.
Congrats! :D

Switch said:
Every tom,dick and harry can get a DSLR but not everyone have the same grit as some others do. Good luck for the furture and as i mentioned this to you earlier, Dont just follow it as a hobby, you have the potential to go pro.
nukeu666 said:
He will be a lean, mean cycling machine representing the state/nation while the inactive of us will be soft, potbellied uncles who cant climb a flight of stairs without getting winded or push away things we wanted as kids because "I'm too old for this shiz" :p

Encouraging to know you were 90kg till last year...Ive gone from 87 to 81 this year...hope to get down to 75 after graduating p90x
Very well said. Investment.. lol!
Holy COW..& I was all pissed because my daughter asked me 2K tricycle...and people pull 2L like some grains.. Sir you sir an true cyclist.. I wish you all the best for your dreams...
