MTNL DialUp phone number changed from today


MTNL have changed their number for DialUp users to 172231 it used to be 24880000. There was no prior notice received by me about this change - they changed the number today.
Rockyme2002 said:
Thnx for the headsup :) , but u mean it wont b accesible on 2488.... , cuz am currently on it ;)

No it no longer connects on 2488. I phoned MTNL on 1500 and got this info.
Hacker said:
This came in the paper (times) 1 month back i guess.

Thats what the guy who answered the phone on MTNL's number 1500 said but I guess I missed that thing in the paper. :(

Eazy posted 1.67 minutes later:

Rockyme2002 said:
U sure, am still on 2488...all DAY ;)
never used ny othr no..

Maybe if you disconnect and try again you will know for sure if the number has changed for you too. Make a note of the new number...
Rockyme2002 said:
did, still can connect.....

mayb cuz am on tht 700pm plan:p

But i can connect thts for sure :D
.... I too use the 700pm plan... and it will not connect on 2488 anymore - just tried again.
Heh, notice came soo many times in paper about a month ago. It was there on like all papers and came 2 times atleast.
And by the way it depends on exchange. If your exchange has totally switched to new no then it wont connect with older no :D
hmm ya this thing came like 1 month ago.... but you still can connect sometimes to 2488. when after trying several times to connect using 172231!!