Monitors Monitor questions.


I'm planning on upgrading my monitor now to a DELL 24" Full HD LED and I was wondering if it was possible for me to use my PS3 on it ALONG with my PC.

In the sense, my PC will be connected via DVI and the PS3 via HDMI.

Is it possible for me to switch between the two ports? like how it is possible on TV's?

Also, what's the difference between DVI and DVI-D (HDCP)?
Yes it is possible to use PC along side PS3 on same monitor(obviously not at the same time)

If your monitor has more than one inputs than you can select which input to use

There is a option in myU2312HM but it doesn't have HDMI
hey techenclavians !! :)
finally my ps3 will be landing at my home this week. So i have to zero in on the monitor for the same. :D.
so please help me with that. But the thing is that my budget is 6k. :(:S. i know thats far less but i have no choice.
please note that i am not a hardcore gamer. so i have no idea what ghosting , beeding of screen and blah blah ( NOM to the veterans ) means :bleh:. so all i want that when i play tomb raider or uncharted series ( i like those kinda games, no fps .. very rare ) i can get a decent graphics. ( i am expecting prince of persia warrior within graphics) .
So guys start pouring your advice please and yes please let me know the price of the product if possible.
BTW i have searched for some of them on letsbuy.
1. Dell 20 Inch WideScreen HD LED Monitor (IN2030M)
2. Philips 20" Widescreen LED Monitor with Smart Touch
3. Moser Baer 21.5" Wide Screen LCD Monitor (MBI W22G)


P.S : can anyone tell me what is the threshold till my messages will be reviewed by approver ( yeah i am a newbie :eek:hyeah:. Hope not breaking any rules here )

i already posted this question but for some unknown reasons my post was deleted ( mods please let me know what rule i broke, atleast i will be careful next time ) .

So i need to buy a monitor for my ps3 , but the thing is that i am very tight on budget so guys can u please help me out in choosing the monitor ?

please let me know what things should i consider because this is my first console and i am not a hardcore gamer, just a little bit of lara croft , prince of persia and tht's all.

thanks in advance. :)

i will keep in mind. So the thing is that if i got my own set of issues i need to make a new thread ?? .. i cant just ask questions in a relevant thread ?
aquaticbullet said:
So the thing is that if i got my own set of issues i need to make a new thread ?? .. i cant just ask questions in a relevant thread ?

You can but not in a way that makes the OP and other members feel that the query derails the thread. Take a look at the first post in this thread - OP's intentions and queries are different from yours. Like I said before, it isn't ethical to do so nor do we have hard and fast rules for such things in place. When you have a new thread bumped, it makes little sense to post your query again in a different thread.
F|0ccY said:
I'm planning on upgrading my monitor now to a DELL 24" Full HD LED and I was wondering if it was possible for me to use my PS3 on it ALONG with my PC.

In the sense, my PC will be connected via DVI and the PS3 via HDMI.

Is it possible for me to switch between the two ports? like how it is possible on TV's?

Also, what's the difference between DVI and DVI-D (HDCP)?

Yes, you can switch between ports, there will be a button to do the same.

DVI is the default spec for the port. It has three types, DVI-I, DVI-A and DVI-D.

DVI-I It can allow both analog and digital outputs. So you can connect a VGA adapter to get a analog output.

DVI-A It does not allow digital outputs. So, HDMI will not be supported.

DVI-D It does not allow analog output. So, no VGA support
F|0ccY said:
I'm planning on upgrading my monitor now to a DELL 24" Full HD LED and I was wondering if it was possible for me to use my PS3 on it ALONG with my PC.

In the sense, my PC will be connected via DVI and the PS3 via HDMI.

Is it possible for me to switch between the two ports? like how it is possible on TV's?

I myself have a Dell U2410 and it's an amazing monitor with superb color accuracy. And it has loads of connectivity options, including two DVI and one HDMI. Should be the best choice for you. :)

And yes, you can switch between the inputs instantly, just like on a TV, with just two button presses. :)

EDIT: Whoops. Post made more than a month ago. :ashamed: Hope I helped anyway.