Linux Mandriva's answer to Ubuntu One : Click'n' Backup

Dark Star


Ever since the launch of Ubuntu One there has been a lot of speculation about it.. Unlike other Ubuntu/Canonical offering Ubuntu One didn't received good response from audience..There are many reasons for it..
  1. Ubuntu One / Launchpad is still not fully open..
  2. Ubuntu One is restricted only to Ubuntu to Ubuntu sync, making it inaccessible for other distro and OS users..
  3. Ubuntu One offers high cost for 10Gb ...

Seeing all the response from audience Mandriva SA came with shrewd alternative and hit the nail at the right time.. Mandriva Click'n'Backup has quite a few advantages over Ubuntu One..

  1. Source Code is not available for studying atm.. But hopefully will be available soon.
  2. It is available for all Operating system, be it Windows or Mac or whole range of Linux.. no restrictions for any users..
  3. Offers better solution that Ubuntu one at lower price...


Click 'n' Backup is aimed against Canonical Ubuntu One and offers much better features and expandibilty .. Even if you are using Ubuntu you can try Click 'n' Backup and sync you data easily which is not the case with Ubuntu One..

  • You can easily select the content you wish to back up,
  • Schedule your backups however you like: automatically or on request,
  • Only modified elements are backed up, so you save backing-up time,
  • Restore your data in just a few clicks.

System Requirements :

  • Mandriva 2008.1 or later , any Linux distro , MS windows, Mac OSX.
  • A Web Browser
  • A capable Internet connection for uploading files

P.s : There have been few misconceptions which have been cleared by developers : The software was meant to be released previous year but due to some difficulties they plan it to release with 2009.1 Spring , and they say they don't aim to UbuntuOne service which is pretty irrelevant ? Even if they initially didn't launch it to compete with Ubuntu One it doesn't make sense that it is not in competition with Ubuntu one and dropbox..and this service seems to be a good competitor to Ubuntu One and Rockbox ,.

Click 'N' Backup : Mandriva Click'n Backup

Usage Plans : Mandriva Click'n Backup

Download and use : Mandriva Click'n Backup

FAQ's : Support for Mandriva Click'n Backup
Lots of people say dropbox is better... maybe "Ubuntu Two" will have better cross OS support and be cheaper heh...

This whole "cloud computing" thing is getting big... recently read about Amazon opening offices in Washington D.C. just to target government cloud service sales...

Microsoft, Google, Oracle etc all scrambling to get their services ready...

But main question is, do you trust/rely placing your data in a cloud? What if its stolen or lost/crashes or provider shuts down? Its like media DRM hassle where people who bought their media no longer have access to it because the provider closed the service...
oh gr8, the all gr8 and humble nucleuskore....from Thinkdigit to TE..Welcome to TE... :)...u may not know me...but v were in touch thru Gmail for Opensuse 11.1 if u can remeber ;) and thank u so much for the guide that u had created in Thinkdigit for enabling Internet connection in Opensuse 11.0 , it helped me a lot in 11.1....:)
SUSE? Not used in a long time now :( and completely offtopic on this thread if I may add :p

Came to TE after seeing a mention of it in TD.

I have been using Ubuntu 8.10 ever since it's release. I am not going back to SUSE till their package manager evolves to something similar to Ubuntu/Debian. You can cache rpms in zypper but cannot install suse system updates to another machine because their delta rpm thingy, whatever that is. Imagine downloading everything all over again !