Lord of the PhoneS: The Two Tower


Dec 22, 2009
hey congo nd plz give a review on palm pre

i am drooling after the 3d gaming hav launched fr pre!!!!

i want to get rid of the iphone disorder


Feb 16, 2007
gforce said:
Let me know if you plan on selling the Pre.

Yeah I willl definitely tell u but I think wait for Pre Plus that is awesome device for less price.:hap2:

bennysachdev said:
shud've gone for the Palm Pre Plus more ram = running 50 simultaneous applications.

Palm Pre Plus shows off multitasking upgrade with 50 simultaneous apps (video) -- Engadget

Hey Pre Plus has not launched for GSM user yet.:(It would be launching soon.And I brought this phone as 15 apps at the same time is more than enough for me.:bleh:

ayaskant12 said:
hey congo nd plz give a review on palm pre

i am drooling after the 3d gaming hav launched fr pre!!!!

i want to get rid of the iphone disorder

I am very lazy for giving review.But the gaming on Pre is good as I have both iPhone and Pre.I would give Pre the second prize after iPhone in gaming.Btw I have played games on Symbian OS and Windows OS and Pre gaming is better than the above 2.

Multi tasking is great and I mean great nothing is remotely comparable to it.:clap:

You can ask me any question about Pre and I will reply but mostly I am not a person who can review a thing.:p

esmartadityaa said:
awesome man great phone....
tx :hap2: