Laptops Laptop power adapter replacement suggestions


It seems I have bad day yesterday. due to high voltage issues with transformer mine spike board, psu and laptop adapter got burned. Never happened in the last few years.

Laptop adapter when connected to power can see light glow to full but when connected to laptop light slowly fades to off in the adapter and also not charging the battery.

Laptop is working as I checked it with battery running.

Normally power adapter brick can be repaired?

I Don't think I can get oem part for that kind of old machine. If buying one can universal adapter what I should I consider with regards to out put, similar voltage and matching Amps?

Brand msi gaming laptop (11 year old make Msi ge 620dx)
Output Spec 19.3v 6.32 A
Pin type I don't know what it is called.
Power adapter it was written Delta electronics Ac/Dc adapter.

Online shopping where can I find good quality ones. Suggestions please.

Thanks .
From the symptoms you described, seems like the main DC capacitor is damaged. It should be possible to repair it. If you have to change any of the FET drivers then i wouldn't trust it to charge my laptop anymore. Try to Ensure the replacement cap has same specifications as the replaced cap and same tolerances exactly.
Check with I have bought couple of laptop adapters and batteries earlier. You can also contact them with the model of your adapter if it is not available in their site. Also similar voltage and matching amps should work.
Thanks for suggestions.
I given it to repair , as could not find new replacment but was told new one costs between 3-4k. Also he told lenevo, asus has same pin structure so it helps to broaden my search.
I found similar voltage with higher Amps is fine but not lesser Amps.

I checked with lapcare but they dont have 120w adapters.Thanks for the pointer.

I found from google search many adapters but dont want to purchase from no name vendors fake products as it will damage lappy mb.

Laptop is working fine as i charged with another adapter with lesser amps while laptop is off.