Kids and their Nutrition issues

Tushar Sharma

Jan 2, 2021
There might be many parents on this platform and most parents these days are worried about the health and nutrition of their kids, especially if they have young kids. Nowadays, most kids wish to eat outside food 7 days a week and they are so negative towards the home-cooked food. And I hardly blame the kids on this because the parents too are turning the same. They order a lot of food instead of cooking it at home and once kids get a taste of these products, they are ready to eat it every single day. And this is a huge issue with the kind of health troubles that these small kids are facing these days.
Even kids below 10 years of age are suffering low eyesight, obesity, malnutrition, diabetes, heart issues, kidney issues and bone troubles as well. I wonder what these kids would do after a certain age. And the leftover troubles have been added by the digital devices which have captured the attention of the kids to an extent that they forget eating food several times. So as a parent, have you guys took any special measures to cut out on the fancy eating habit of the kids? Have you a plan on how to deal with the cravings of these kids who only want to have restaurant food or refined food items?


May 10, 2009
I don't have any kids, but a 4 year old nephew. Just from looking at him, I can tell you the only way to make sure kids inculcate good habits, is by making sure you don't have any bad habits yourself. The kids pick up anything and everything from you. My nephew goes straight to the washbasin and washes his hands when he comes from outside and even asks everyone else to do the same (because of CoVID). It was very easy to inculcate this habit into him as he loves doing what everyone else is doing. So same applies to every other habit as well. He demands going to the mall every weekend because that's what his parents used to do and so on and so forth.
So if you don't want to eat junk food then you will have to stop/minimize eating it yourself. Of course, since they are already hooked, it will be a little difficult to wean them off, but that's what needs to be done now.


Feb 11, 2013
Nowadays, most kids wish to eat outside food 7 days a week and they are so negative towards the home-cooked food. And I hardly blame the kids on this because the parents too are turning the same.
When it comes to health with kids, you have to be strict on this things..
You cant let them have junk everyday and see there health deteriorating every day and becoming worst in near future.

Discipline starts at home, kids will obviously following there elders/parents specially, if parents dont stop on junk food how can the compel kids to follow a healthy diet..

Consult a pediatric/dietician if you can..