JSP help needed


I use the linux operating system and have installed apache2 and tomcat4.
now how do i go about working on my jsp files. where do i save them? and how do i get them working in my browser
If you have installed Tomcat, you could just start up the server and point the browser to localhost:8080 - it will take you to the default page of Tomcat.
You should find a folder named "ROOT" under <tomcat install folder>/webapps folder. For a start you can place all your jsp files under this folder and you can access them by saying http://localhost:8080/<mysample.jsp>
i used the apt command to install apache2 and tomcat4...now the problem is that when i go to after starting apache2 the test page opens but when the same does not happen when i enter localhost:8080 in my browser when tomcat is activated!!!!