OC & Modding Isopropyl Alcohol

Hi All,

I am in pune and I dont know where to buy Isopropyl Alcohol from. Today morning (when none of the shops in lammy were open) i was in bombay and the prime guy told me that you will get it in any medical shop.

Please tell me is it true or is there some other kind of shop where i will get it.

Please this is urgent i have to go the market in half to 1 hr. Let me know asap.

Ya u do get it in medical shops...

Else jus settle for a nail-polish remover..

Clean using an ear bud(Preferably a good brand such as J&J)
^^ thanks a lot ... so in worst case scenario .. acetone (nail polish remover) will do na ???? I was afraid of using nail polish remover ... but if i dont get the alcohol .. i will use it then ...

Thanks for the help
go to princess street... a cab from lammy will cost Rs.35-40 . also accessible from VT Rs.20 by cab.

u will have all kinds of specialty chemical shops there.... go to a shop which deals with either S.D. Fine or Merck. minimum pack is 250 ml.