HTC ChaCha support and review


hi guys!!!

did buy the HTC ChaCha recently and need some info in regards with the same

1. the Phone has a front camera (can be used while using the camera application) but unable to make video calls checked with HTC they advised that the feature to use the camera for video calls is not yet enabled for that we need to take the help of additional software's.

Can you all please review and advice what should be done for that.

2. I am not able to locate the task manager on the phone can you please advice me to open the built in task manager for the phone.

3. The internal memory to install applications is showing up as 150 MB only please advice if this is the expected value.
Congratulations on purchase of HTC ChaCha. To answer your questions:

1) The front video camera can do video calls, but unfortunately it can with WiFi only, atleast according to specs given. But it does 3g video calling using third party software. My advise it to check it out by downloading Tango and try to make a call using WiFi first and then you can try out 3g calling. I have used Tango before and it worked for me on my phone. Tango allows video calling and to use it you have to have someone on the other side to also have Tango installed and in use.

Source: HTC ChaCha Review

2) I have used HTC Desire HD for a few weeks and honestly forgot how to access Task Manager :ashamed: But don't they usually have task manager or managing of current applications settings under:

Menu --> Setting --> Applications --> Manage Applications --> Running (Seems to be standard for any android devices)

Maybe some other member can shed light on this query.

3) The internal ROM is 512 MB. So even after some amount taken by system, I guess you should have something closer to 200 - 250 MB. Maybe you might have some applications downloaded or it is only 150 MB. Unfortunately it sounds a little lower compared to other devices with 512 MB ROM.
2) Android basically manages all apps by itself so you don't really *need* a task manager , but there are literally thousands which you can download off the store.. go ahead and take you pick :p

3) That 150MB might be due to the Sense UI which HTC tacks on over Android.
I got the taks manager as guided by aradhakr84 .... earlier i did have dell XCD 28 with custom Cynogen MOD ROM which had the task manager as seperate app and was looking out for something similar also i have got the task kill client downloaded which is now more better than the default coming back to the Tango app i will try to download and check shortly....(as i need another phone with front camera.. it will take a while..) ...

i am also surprised about the ROM being 150 MB only... need to check about that ....
Yeh guys....need a favor... i am finding it very difficult to unlock (root the phone) !!!! i have tried the unlock root site and it fails.
any other links where i can download some apps which could help me in rooting the phone!!! also if there is any options for the ROM's (custom ROM's version 4.0)
Yeh guys....need a favor... i am finding it very difficult to unlock (root the phone) !!!! i have tried the unlock root site and it fails.
any other links where i can download some apps which could help me in rooting the phone!!! also if there is any options for the ROM's (custom ROM's version 4.0)

Can you tell me what battery life are you getting on your chacha? I have read that its pathetic and last only for 6-8hrs on 3g. Can you please confirm. :)