How to Burn Downloaded Divx movie files on CD


I have lot of Divx movie files downloaded from the Net. Most of them are bigger than 700 MB in size, so i cannot burn them on blank CDs using NERO.
I would like to watch the movies on my DVD player.

Can someone tell me how to burn bigger Divx files on 700MB blank CDs ?
u can use virtual dub to convert the divx quality n reduce the size.

but also confirm if your dvd player plays divx video or no. if u want to convert to a vcd or svcd then use tmpgenc
I have brough a Philips LX3900 Home theatre system which plays Divx, so thats not a problem.. I have not used VirtualDub, will check that out.

Some Files are 713MB oto 720MB. How do i overburn the CD?
Do you have a option in NERO to Overn Burn it?
I am on a dial up connection. Could you please burn me some of your downloaded DivX collection ? I have around 80 DivX movies of my own, collected from my net pals. Will give them in exchange. Pl e-mail me at or sms at 9435020714 if interested.
u can directly use else soft required...

Juz insert ur movie.. open Nero Vision: MAke VCD ...Browse ur Movie...But it takes around 2 hours to convert a movie of 700 mb.....