Hey everybody !


Hey guys, this is Darren. I'm from Los Angeles, USA...

I've been browsing this site for sometime, and it looks pretty cool. Many geeks out there, I guess !

See ya then :D !
Welcome to TE mate !

Jeez, thats a kickass rig , and WTF how did you get the X1800XT ???

AFAIK, it isn't released yet !

I guess you are one of the really privileged guys to own an X1800XT.

For all we know, you could be some guy from ATi. Part of the group working on r5xx :p
Welcome to the Enclave, Darren!
Have an enjoyable stay here... :D
Keep digging to find hidden wonders... ;)

That's some real rig u've got there... :cool1: :hap2:
Hey guys, to break off all the ice, I indeed do work for ATI...

I'm not part of the R520 project but I did work on the 9800Pro and 9800XT.

I'm currently testing samples of many new ATI cards.

As for benchies, I cannot say much, hope you understand...
Darren said:
Hey guys, to break off all the ice, I indeed do work for ATI...

I'm not part of the R520 project but I did work on the 9800Pro and 9800XT.

I'm currently testing samples of many new ATI cards.

As for benchies, I cannot say much, hope you understand...
:Hi: Darren, and its gr8 to have on aboard TE :) ...im sure you'll find plenty to talk bout , welcome again .
ahaa, nice to have you onboard..

so you, in some ways devoloped my card, which is kickass to say the least..

and there are a lot of ppl here (*hint* *hint*!!!) that wud lvoe to test the new line of cards from Ati :eek:hyeah:

anyways, welcome aboard and have nice time here...