PC Peripherals Help buying a PC Tower only


budget - 10k
hardware configuration
CPU - Multi core (2-4 core) - AMD OR INTEL

Motherboard - AMD OR INTEL DDR3 motherboard expandable up 8 GB DDR3 memory

RAM - 2-3 GB DDR3 memory - in one piece

Lan card and anything else needed, like cabinet, fans whatever.

I would just take the box and plug into my existing monitor, keyboard, mouse.
OS would be Win 7 ultimate.

Location: Kolkata.
On Monday my friend have purchased below config

Gigabyte 785GMT-ud2 - 6000/- Support DDR3 Ram upto 16 GB.

AMD Athlon II x4 - 5400/-

Kingston DDR3 2GB - 2500/-

Above price are rounded, idn't know exact price. but total money he paid for three is 13,600/-

Hope that helps you.