Hello Everybody


well, I am new here as well as a novice in the field of internet and computers. May be I will learn a thing or two now. I have a specific question. how can I put a picture in my mobile (Nokia 2600) as a wallpaper. Can anybody help.
Hello arindam. Nice to have you here. DOnt worry you will soon be a pro just hang around this site for long and pick up things.
does 88 stand for your birthyear.
No idea bout the mobile though.
Hi Arindam......


And abt your mobile, I think you need a data cable with which you can transfer the picture from your PC to your mobile. TThen you can easily set it as your wallpaper....
Hello arindam88! have a good time in here...


Nokia 2600 doesn't has a datacable thing, so u cant put ur picx as wallpapaer.
Hi Arindam
Welcome to TE
Enjoy ur stay here.

TE will enrich you with a lot of knowledge , just read all the wonderful posts
and thats what will help you.

Also post ur views & doubts to get it solved.
Hi Arindam88
Welcome......even I am Pretty new here, but let me tell ya....u can improve ur knowlede a lot.
As far as the Mobile....No Idea Man....Sorry
Thanx for the encouragement. 88 doesnot stand for my birth year. I was assigned this ID when I opened my first e-mail account, since then it is with me.