CPU/Mobo Haswell Pentium/i3 availability ?

a credit card is all what you need :D but don't just buy from any website. First make sure it's a reputed website, then confirm if they shipsto India and can take care of the customs. Finally what it may cost with all these included.
a credit card is all what you need :D but don't just buy from any website. First make sure it's a reputed website, then confirm if they shipsto India and can take care of the customs. Finally what it may cost with all these included.

Sadly the price has increased almost by 20-25 $ which makes the purchase insensible after applying the taxes and stuff.
Amazon.com has dropped the price to $55 making it 74.97 shipped to Mumbai incl import fees deposit. That's rs. 4.5k for a haswell. Get in on this!


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The Pentium G3220 is available at Delta, which means it has 'officially' launched in India. Forgot to ask the price though.

The ones on Amazon were probably imports which would explain the absurd pricing.
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^ Thats the Ivy Bridge i3 3220, not the Pentium G3220.[DOUBLEPOST=1401257348][/DOUBLEPOST]Update : Mailed Delta, they say the price is 3850/- :)
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Multiplier-Unlocked Pentium G3258 $80 coming June 2 and we still don't even get the 'original' Haswell Pentiums. Why ?
I was considering getting a used i3 from a fellow TE'zen, but am planning to skip it and get the PDC G3220 with H81. Usage as a fileserver+transcoding+etc.