Hallllllo Guys

Hello rahul, welcome to TE!
Have a good time in here...
By the way our rahul a chat with me b4 posting :p
From YIM:
rahulyo2003: hi
rahulyo2003: dude
ashwin : hello who is this?
rahulyo2003: i am new member in techenclave
rahulyo2003: i want to know something from u
ashwin : ok tell
rahulyo2003: how to introduce myself in this site(foroms)
ashwin : ohh
ashwin : one sec.. i shall guide you..
rahulyo2003: ok thaks
ashwin : click here:
ashwin : http://www.techenclave.com/forums/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=3
rahulyo2003: ok
rahulyo2003: thanks
Hey Rahulya!
U too came here!
Nice to see you, man!
Enjoy your stay here!

BTW, Did you get to meet Aditya (He goes by the name "Jageera" at TE)??