Graphic Cards GTX 260 not downclocking in idle!!

i own a XFX GTX260 c216 core edition (GX-260X-ADJF)

I have observed that the card does not downclock in 2d mode.
Also automatic fan control does not work.

Im using 257.21 whql drivers on Windows 7 64bit

In RivaTuner , the Standard 2d, Low power 3d and Performance 3d -- all show the same clock frequencies.
I use only 1 monitor.. and the display mode is set to Single Display Performance mode in Nvidia control panel.

Does someone have a solution to these problems?
Try mailing XFX. Even my XFX 4850 never used to clockdown during idle. I mailed the XFX team and they sent me a BIOS update. After that I choose Power options > Balanced or Power Saver in Windows power options and then you'll see it under clocking.
I have tried almost all the driver versions. I guess a BIOS update is the solution. I have opened a XFX support ticket. The technician took details of the problem, and then VANISH!! I havent got a reply since 2 days!
you need to inspect the bios on that card.

use gpu-Z to export the bios..

attach it in your next post so that members can inspect the bios for clock profiles.