grub boot loader not visible


i had winxp n fedore core 3. i formated the winxp n installed xp again n then fedora core 4 ,but now the grub loader is not appearing although i have upgraded the core 3. how to get boot loader visible.

resolution problem?
i increased resolution frm 800*600 to 1024*764 on my 15' lg monitor, then freq out of range occured. although i switched freq to 800*600 using safe mode but now in properties->display properties->advanced->monitor, the list of screen refresh rate had only option 'use hardware default setting'. how can i get the list of freq supported? do i need to make changes in power section of bios?
reply soon
thks in advance
OK, stick in the first cd of fedora

when it gives u the option of installation mode (graphical, text etc)

type in linux rescue

It will gives u a list of linux installs and ask u to choose (if u have more than one FC)

Anyway, once it comes to a prompt type:

chroot /mnt/sysimage


Shud work after that.