Grey Market..Worth it?


Hey everybody..

Well i was just looking at phones at Indiaplaza and saw that all phones hold just 1 year manufacturer warranty. Which means after a year if anything goes wrong i'l have to pay out of my pocket right? Now, when we buy a phone from the grey market, it holds no warranty which is as good as a 1 year old phone (/w bill).

Now what are the chances of something happening in the *1 year* ? I mean, ok there are SOME chances but thats rare you know.

Basic point, if the difference is a decent amount, shouldn't one consider picking up the phone from grey market rather than a showroom which charges you the premium etc..?

Would like some opinions here..

^ Well it all depends on 3 things

1) the difference in $ between with bill and warranty and the amount u are spending on it...

For eg : if u are buying a 5k cell from grey and the same sells @ something like 7-8k then its worth the risk ...but it ur buying a 15k cell and it sells for abt 16-17k with bill then its worth the bill payment :) .....more costlier = more complex = more issues possibility . even if the grey cell goes kaput at times the charge of repair is a bomb for the costly phones.

2) on LUCK :) a grey market phone may never go kaput where as a with warranty will knock out in days as well :p

3) personall choice :)
Knowing that there's a probability of something going wrong, I would keep away from the greymarket altogether. I'd rather be insured than to constantly worry. No one knows what tomorrow holds- is the risk worth it? Not to me.

I wouldn't do it. If you would, well, good for ya'. I wouldn't envy you- my peace of mind is priceless.

You can take the grey route for a cellphone which isnt too costly..atleast tht way, if it goes kaput, you dont stand to loose much..but then, why wud anyone buy an already cheap phone from grey market..? ;) Again,anything about 10-12k is a risk..u shud know what u r doing...:p As for the 1 yr warranty, most cellphones come with a year's warranty. And evn though u may think its less, isnt 365 days better than nothing...?? ;) For an unlucky few, sophisticated phones do get screwed up...imagine all tht u'll be coughing up, in case u are one of those.....;)
I've bought all my phones from the grey market, hell even my uncle's 35k O2 Atom :p

Nothin really goes wrong with these devices and to be frank about it, repair costs aint all that high anyways ;)

Depends on the price difference for the particulat model in question, anything more than 3-4k, grey 4tw ! :D

When i was looking out for a HU for my car, the gray market prices were close to 60% of the official channel prices....

I of course picked the gray...

so it's a price diffrential qstn...

if official =10K, gray = 9, i'd choose the former

but anything more than 15-20% and I'd choose the latter
^Exactly ... it depends on the price difference ... I've picked up a few things from the grey market , and never had a bad experience so far :)
Ank1t said:
Basic point, if the difference is a decent amount, shouldn't one consider picking up the phone from grey market rather than a showroom which charges you the premium etc..?

Cool.. So that just confirms my main point. K thx for the opinions.
I'd bought a n7250i from grey market 4 yrs ago... nd its working fine... no issues as yet :D but my n3250 has screwed up 4-5 times... nd that was a billed purchase:mad: :mad: