Graphic Cards GPU for multimedia and basic gaming (~5k)


drinks like a fish
  • My HD5450 died and I need a new GPU
  • Motherboard doesn't have an on-board graphics processor
  • Need something capable enough to do basic entry level gaming smoothly at 1080p, such as CS:GO and PID.
  • CS:GO & PID both lagged quite a bit on HD 5450
  • Preferably something with a good performance:price ratio
  • Budget: Upto 5k. Will not go over-board

Please advice, TIA![DOUBLEPOST=1417738554][/DOUBLEPOST]This fits the budget, but not sure if it's worth 5k
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I am using the same. Decent card, but I don't play games anymore so can't comment on your gaming requirements.
Get R7 250 1GB DDR5 @₹5700 from Snapdeal. Much better than HD5450 and worth over R7 240 for ₹1000 extra.
Realized that I need a DisplayPort. Ended up buying a HD 7770 while utilising some spare FK waller credit