Google Bombing


Hey ppl,please try typing "miserable failure" in google and hit search.Guess Wat u land up in George.W.Bush's Biography page.Well this is a typical example of a google bomb.
What is a google bomb?
It is a method used to make google to point to specific page desired by certain group of users.This is done by those users setting up many webpages with the desired search phrase(as mentioned above for ex:miserable failure) as a link to the URL to be displayed.The first google bomb was deployed by Adam Mathes who realised the potential of google by which it fetches the links for the searched keywords if present on a website.He used this to pull a gag on his friend,i.e,by searching for "talentless hack" in google the top result would end up in Andy Pressman's Webpage.
Details can be found in this website.
Other top google bombs are :
waffles =
"french military victories" takes you to a page with "Did you mean: french military defeats"