Games on XP/vista dual boot - XP installed first


I am trying to run games on a dual boot xp and vista system, where I installed XP first, and then vista later on.

All games I installed were through XP.

I however, wanted to try out dx10 on vista, so installed it.

I cannot run a single game to run on vista however :S

Crysis shows some Dx10_ dll error, bioshock shows to be loaded, but doesnt go to the screen. Cal of Juarez hangs up, Gears of War also hangs up with an error.

How do I go about this ?
can u please classified u system detail and which gpu card model u have

if u ahve 7 serial such 7xxx or ati 19xx serial it is know at dx 9.0c card

and new card with dx 10 ready call 8xx or 9xxx or gtx new serial even ati 38xx and 48xx serial card will support dx10.1 ready ;)
STOP. You installed games on Xp right?

Then you installed Vista.

Unless its a ripped game or something that came without an Install/setup, the same game installation will NOT run on both OS at a time.

To play the games on Vista, install them at a separate location. AGAIN.

Also, if you want to access your save games, find out where those are placed for your particular game for both xp n vista. Then copy them over from Xp location to Vista location. Enjoy :)
Arun.P said:
can u please classified u system detail and which gpu card model u have

if u ahve 7 serial such 7xxx or ati 19xx serial it is know at dx 9.0c card

and new card with dx 10 ready call 8xx or 9xxx or gtx new serial even ati 38xx and 48xx serial card will support dx10.1 ready ;)
HD 4850. It does have dx 10.

^ Thanks for the tip techie. that works fine :)