Graphic Cards Games not working smoothly


Hi guys,
I recently bought a XFX ATI 5770 GFX card. I completed playing Resident Evil 5 without any prob. It worked smoothly. But games like Crysis Warhead, Mafia II and Prince of persia 2008 are not working smoothly. It is stucking a lot. I tried different settings, tried optimal settings and even tried minimum settings but still it is stucking. I need a solution guys. Help me.. Thanks in advance.
Update to latest ati driver 10.8 or 10.9.Also use gpuZ to monitor temperature,fan speed,clock speed etc.See if there is anything abnormal.
What do mean not working smoothly ? Are you constantly getting low FPS or does it get stuck and then move smoothly for some time ? Check for CPU and GPU temps. Use CPUID - hardware monitor.
may be its the ram...2gb is recommended if running win7..but it may not be enough for running high end games..just a thought
ya i m using d latest driver 10.9 and yes it stucks througout the game. i'm posting d screenshot of GPUZ

saayan said:
may be its the ram...2gb is recommended if running win7..but it may not be enough for running high end games..just a thought
What do you mean system RAM or visual RAM ?????

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I think you need to manually update speeds on the Graphic card to operate maximum ( 100% ) on load and when idle around 70% speed, maybe will make the noise rise up, but better than a fried card also try to physically inspect the card, I had an MSI HD 5770 which had fault in assembly ended up RMAing it :), hope this helps

Give us the total specs for your system :D
system ram of course...the reason im saying this because op said that he played RE 5 has a minimum req of 1gb nd recommended 2gb..while crysis wh requires 1.5gb minimum in vista~7 dont know about PoP

i may be wrong..but the temps seem ok to me if in a non ac 4670 stayed at 50c idle

completely clean and reinstall ur drivers and if it fails again,

1 more thought..try changing the affinity of the process..force it to run with all the worked for me once.
speedyfreak said:
Are u running @ full very high setting with 1920 X 1080 resolution ??
I have tried a s low as 1280 x 1024 resolution, but still encountering d same problem. The worst part i have added 2gb RAM. So it's 4gb now. Still having d same problem. I have even update d driver to 10.10. It's really frustrating guys. Plz help.
Do a virus check.
Are there any programs running in the background?
Also, I think your GPU clock speed should be 700, not 400. ALT-TAB while you're playing a game and see if the speed in catalyst control centre or GPUz increases.
The gpu speed will be low when idle, but should go up to max when you're gaming..check and see if that's happening.
Check your bios settings, maybe you've inadvertently reduced the pci-express lane speed.
See if the card is plugged in correctly, and make sure you're using the 5770 and not the onboard gpu.

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Also make sure you've got crossfire-x disabled.
Do this, revert to Catalyst 10.8(found it very stable, not a single problem for me), then before u game, use MSI AFTERBURNER to set fan manually to say 50-60%(more will be too much noise)...

Now also make sure all settings in CATALYST CONTROL CENTER are default, like disable SUPERSAMPLING if enabled by any chance(kills fps faster than dogs on indian roads), and then install the latest patches for the games.

For Warhead, I recommend The patch(i think there's 1.1) and also DX9 mode settings(dont go for the enthusiast settings) and no AA... If u want AA, edit the cfg and use EDGE AA(found superb performance + quality with that).