Game beta testing !!


Hello everyone ! My name is Amey. I am currently pursuing engg in comp branch. I am currently having campus interviews going on. But the companies and jobs offerings are not of my liking. What i want to do is beta testing of games ! So can any one give information about this ?? Any company or what qualities i need to have for it. Also i can tell u tht i am a hardcore gamer. Also i am technicaly very sound. So please any one highlight me on this topic. Reply ASAP.

Thanks in advance,
u can apply for Relq Softwares ,they are into game testing few of my friends work there its in Bangalore ,now its become HP after the take over, u can give a try at this place if u need any help PM Me
kranthi4545 said:
u can apply for Relq Softwares ,they are into game testing few of my friends work there its in Bangalore ,now its become HP after the take over, u can give a try at this place if u need any help PM Me
try to get a hold of ero_sannin for funda

there was a similar thread couple of months ago where he gave a lot of input
Hey, I work for a game testing company. Its in Noida, Actly they are in outsourcing but to get experience its nice. Cool envo and they offer both console and online game testing platform :)
You have all the prerequisites, comp engineering + good technical skills. But be warned, testing is not a very good field for starting a job. With your kinds of skills I suggest you to do some development first (even game development is fine) after that move to testing. If you ever want to change your job in the future, it will be helpful if you have more of a development profile rather than that of testing.
hammerhead said:
You have all the prerequisites, comp engineering + good technical skills. But be warned, testing is not a very good field for starting a job. With your kinds of skills I suggest you to do some development first (even game development is fine) after that move to testing. If you ever want to change your job in the future, it will be helpful if you have more of a development profile rather than that of testing.

Tats correct mate ,well to inform u all Relq sotwares the one in Bangalore pays very less and people who are working there form past 2 years or so are quitting coz they say tat the work is fun initially later its a pain :( and they say tat the growth is very less,

PS: 2 of my very close friends work there ,all the inputs i have given are words of these guys ,who are on the verge of quitting.
If you want an easy future then gaming is not the way unless you can live without money. If you want something good and easy, try your hands at business. Everything else needs efforts for sure.
playing games & testing games are two different things. It's not like they will give you a complete game and you start playing levels, you will have to test a part of the game for hours & hours continuously and slowly moving ahead. Which will obviously eliminate the fun factor........ As others have pointed start from development than if u wish you can shift to testing..........
rite said:
If you want an easy future then gaming is not the way unless you can live without money. If you want something good and easy, try your hands at business. Everything else needs efforts for sure.

And who told you business doesnt NOT need ant efforts.

IMO having your own good business and managing it properly requires far ..more efforts and dedication then you put towards a fixed paid job(depending on the type of job).


if you dont mind the -ve's of game testing as posted by other members..

get into it's not like that it's not good ..nor is it a very bright career.

i have a feeling ..with the kind of boom for animation in inida..maybe in the coming years developing\testing will also be a good and recognized job.

just listen to what your heart says...u want to try game testing\devlopment then go fo it.

:hap2:and i really appreciate that youve not taken up jobs on campus for the sole reason that you are not much interested in it..unlike a few people i know who just take up any job looking at the payscale.

in the end you just need to balance between your interest and a good pay..:).

best of luck dude !