FS: Plextor 716SA (Sata Dvd Writer)

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Its in perfect condition with black bezel front. Its the premium version dvd writer and is sata version. Its got 8mb Cache buffer plus the plextor extras
GigaRec lets you change the recording capacity of a standard CD-R disc from 70 percent up to 130 percent of its standard capacity. You can use GigaRec for CD-DA or data writing at 4X and 8X disc-at-once (DAO). The feature allows you to get that extra storage on a single disc for a larger project. For smaller projects, like an audio master, the feature enables you to use the entire capacity of the disc, increasing the size of the pits and lands for higher reproductive quality.

VariRec provides user adjustment of the recording power above or below a default level. The default level reflects an optimized laser power setting with reduced jitter. Changing this setting will result in a change of sound or sound quality and may increase the playability or compatibility with existing players.

PlexTools Professional software provides a suite of diagnostic tests for blank and recorded media. The pre-recording tests of blank media allow you to choose the best media brands and recording parameters for your drive. The post-recording tests quantify the recording session and provide analyzer-type results to guarantee you're getting the best recording possible.

Plextor Optimized Writing Error Reduction Control (PoweRec) adjusts laser power and writing speed so they're at the optimum settings for that particular disc. Using real-time monitoring of the write data, PoweRec can increase or decrease write power and speed to guarantee the best possible writing quality with whatever brand media is used.

PlexTools Professional
This software tool offers a complete suite of recording applications and supports your drive's advanced quality check functions. Advanced drive settings such as GigaRec or Silent Mode can be changed. High quality audio extraction, various recording modes, and copying of files or disc images can be selected. Media testing with the drive's Q-Check function allows you to select the best media for your drive and examine the quality of your recordings. (PlexTools - Home Page)

The SecureRecording function lets you write on a CD-R disc and protect the data with a password. To view the contents of a password-protected disc-or even to see a catalog of files-the user must enter the correct password. The password can be entered via PlexTools Professional software, or with SecuViewer software
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