FC7 on Acer Aspire 4730z

Hello Everyone,

I installed Fedora Core 7 on my acer aspire 4730z.(I got a BSOD when i tried to install windows).I wish to install the audio drivers for the laptop in fedora core.I also wish to know if i can use the reliance wireless netconnection with fedora core(off topic??).

So basically i need answers regarding:-

╦Installing Windows on the laptop and the BSOD

╦Installing Audio Driver

╦Reliance Wireless connection in FC7

-Thank You

EDIT-The FC7 is just showing the wallpaper after login....no icons or anything....i can just move the mouse about.Please help.
Anticlocked said:
u mean the old distro dont have support for the hardware?
can u suggest some new distros that are compatible with my laptop?

Like Mandriva 2009.0 or upcoming Ubuntu 8.10.. Newer distro should work. By the way whats the specs ?
installed the ubuntu 8.04....its working fine...i need to be able to access internet wirelessly(reliance,airtel,tata indiacom....)....any idea which might work on linux?
^^You mean the Netconnet type USB modem or DSL ? B/w why didn't you try Mandriva 2009.0 its newer and better release than Ubuntu 8.04 also you can try it without installing !
update: wow, intrepid installed and booted, EVERYTHING appears to be working out of the box by default... LAN, wifi, video, sound, bluetooth (didnt check card reader or dvd writing :D )

i am very impressed with this acer laptop model

edit: webcam is giving a green tint in the video, but lets see after updates