Emily Grace

Another one of those shockwave games which made me play it in awe.

Its gfx are simply too good for shockwave:D

Another great sign of things to come for online gaming??

Play it to find out whats so good about it.

Description :

Description said:
Save your your town from the occupation of your enemies army, on land and in the air :)

Author :

Author said:
Size :

Size said:
Size: 6Mb's
Instructions :

Instructions said:
The enemy have attacked and are currently occupying your home town. Based on your hatred of their occupation, and your advance flying skills, you have decided it's time to take action.
System Requirements:

Internet Connection,

DirectX7.0 or greater,

OpenGL(not necessary),

Takes up quite a bit of RAM.

Link :


Sample Screenshot:


My Comments:
This game is worth each MB. Its surprising how such a great game occupies only 6Mbs.

The game has 4 levels(as far as i have reached :p ).

The game has some great gfx.

Takes some time to get used to the enviornment to locate the enemies.

The bullets arent so accurate.
All in all, a great game:D

Definately worth playing.