Electronics thread / forum

Let's make one! There's bound to be a few interested in this — members here have made their own boards, it would be nice to have all such projects consolidated even if it's just a 'show-off' type thread.
Do we have a thread/forum dedicated to electronics in TE?
There is no forum but you can certainly create a thread. Whether you will get the answers you want remains to be seen

Here is a tutorial from back in the day

Too bad the images were not locally stored
How to create a Electronics forum in TE?
In the world of IoT and home automation, I feel we as a tech forum should have a dedicated place to discuss/build IoT products, DYI and more. TE have some engineering crowd and some of us do develop products/services to global brands, surely we can contribute to Indian market.
Cause in 2023 we in India can go from DYI to production easily(e.g. JLCPcb for professional PCB, local Indian PVC manufacturers, component providers are available) if some body want to do. Worst can scenario if some DYI project/product is good, we forum members can benefit from that.