Audio DT880 and Maverick D1


I am planning to buy the Maverick D1 and the Beyer DT 880

Anyone has any experience with this setup.
I plan to come back to india by this month end so I need to get these before then.
^ Someone on TE has it ,can't recollect the name :S.I think I saw it one one of the recent audio show offs ..

Anyways the DT880 pro are regarded as one of the best cans in their segment.Best thing would be to read up a few reviews /user opinions on head-fi .If any doubts interact with the member and clear them out.

Buy it if you think it suits your sonic taste :D
Purchasing an high end cans please don't go by reviews,they will help you corner to 2 or 3 models ,try auditioning them before you get it .I know the DT880 are real good but again music is subjective .

I am planning on the same but will not purchase until i audition them.