Does Command Conquer 3 Tiberium war have DRM?


Does Command Conquer 3 Tiberium war or its expansion pack have DRM?
How good is the game? I saw the combined pack with the expansion coming for 999. worth it?
Also, i have aspire 4530 with 2gig ram and 9100mg integrated. will it run smoothly at medium reso's ? thank for the help. im more concerned bout the drm issue.
i dont think drm is there.... even if it is , i have the game and it hasn't affected me one bit.. n trust me most of the drm n securom hue n cry is nuthin but loads of exaggeration done by pirates ..... i aint supportin it but i think not gettin a game u enjoy just coz of some piracy prevention method is kinda not done..

as for the game its cool.. even if u havent played the earlier versions u'll still get the story line thru the very informative intels.. which are fun to read neways...

n as for ur pc.. it shud run on medium-high settings as even on my stupid comp it works fine at low(lowest settings are "very low")...

my advice get it even if u have the slightest love fr the c&c series or even rts' fr that matter....
Speedz said:
n trust me most of the drm n securom hue n cry is nuthin but loads of exaggeration done by pirates ..... i aint supportin it but i think not gettin a game u enjoy just coz of some piracy prevention method is kinda not done..

Not exactly, I own about 30k worth of legit games and I can tell you secure rom is the worst kind of crap drm to use to mess up a otherwise excellent title. I really don't care about the crap it places in the system, but I do care about the kind of restrictions it allows the game producers to levy on the title. Just look at the new breed of games, installation limits, periodic internet activation and what not.

When I purchase a game, I expect to be able to install it and play as many times as I want albeit on a single system. If there is need for internet activation, then let it do it on the first run and be done with it. Why should I uninstall a game to get back a used up license. I lost a license for Alone in Dark because I had to format my HDD in between. To make things worse, these DRM systems are not reliable either. There are huge number of legit buyers who had problems running their games because of the secure rom DRM acting up. A pirate does not have to worry about all this because all the limitations of the DRM are overcome in these releases.

Thankfully, C&C 3 does not have this crap DRM. I have both C&C 3 - Kane Edition as well as the Limited Collection packs and they work well.
Nemesis my friend i totally understand what u mean.. i got an original copy of Spore which has these 3 installation limits n i m not very sure we have the support in india to call up n reset the using it very wisely...also my friend had mass effect..thankfully they removed the 10 day re activation crap..

some1 has to tell these people that the only way to curb piracy is make games cheaper n more customer friendly... n until they don't, either buy the game or dont buy the game...(not talkin bout the third choice )
Speedz said:
n trust me most of the drm n securom hue n cry is nuthin but loads of exaggeration done by pirates ..... i aint supportin it but i think not gettin a game u enjoy just coz of some piracy prevention method is kinda not done..

the issue isn't whether the ills of drm are exaggerated or not... there are plenty of documented cases where people are unable to play their games due to install limits, activation problems, software and hardware conflicts and what not. but as i said, that's not the problem.

the real issue is that pirates bypass the drm within hours of the game releasing (and usually before). you paid your hard earned money for spore and you have to be careful about using up the install limits right? the pirate got the game 1 week before you did, fully cracked with no limits on installation or gameplay.

so basically, you pay the money and suffer the headache of handling drm which is proven to be completely useless to pirates who get a drm-free game for nothing. now do you see the problem with that?
i repeat.. MOST of it is exaggerated... buddy its like this.. in a store u pay n get 3 chocolates.. u dont hav more money so u hav to eat them when u really feel like n u hav to choose wisely...

whereas if u are a thief.. u can steal as many chocolates as u want and eat to ur hearts fill.. but after all u are a thief....

so all this is about being morally correct n nuthing else... n as i said, if u hav an issue with the security(or the price fr 3 chocs in this case) then dont buy it.. stealing it coz the thieves get more isnt rite..
Speedz said:
i repeat.. MOST of it is exaggerated... buddy its like this.. in a store u pay n get 3 chocolates.. u dont hav more money so u hav to eat them when u really feel like n u hav to choose wisely...

whereas if u are a thief.. u can steal as many chocolates as u want and eat to ur hearts fill.. but after all u are a thief....

so all this is about being morally correct n nuthing else... n as i said, if u hav an issue with the security(or the price fr 3 chocs in this case) then dont buy it.. stealing it coz the thieves get more isnt rite..

what the **** are you talking about? we were discussing drm and it's effectiveness. no one asked for a lecture in moralities.
thats what its all about ... neways my first reply talked only about that... n the rest are just replies to others comment... n as far as crapping or spamming is concerned u r the one doing it .... not a single sentence regarding the topic....

Speedz said:
i repeat.. MOST of it is exaggerated... buddy its like this.. in a store u pay n get 3 chocolates.. u dont hav more money so u hav to eat them when u really feel like n u hav to choose wisely...

whereas if u are a thief.. u can steal as many chocolates as u want and eat to ur hearts fill.. but after all u are a thief....

And what about when a disk format is forced on u? Or a hard disk upgrade/ failure? I'm all for legit software, but to justify/ condone drm is crap. Btw, 90% of my games are legit and the funny part is I still use no cd cracks on them. Other wise the kind of PC user I am, my desk becomes cluttered with disks everywhere and one invariably get's damaged :p

What spindoctor has said is correct. The game developers have to start trusting us gamers upto a certain extent. Pirates get their copies whatever the restrictions anyway. Give us buyers a break.

Edit: @spindoctor, why does everyone hate talking about moralities? We live in one of the most corrupt countries and I have not met one person who hasn't cribbed about it, yet...
dude i m in no way pro-drm .. trust me i have seen the worst of it.. spore which i preordered a month before became the most pirated game ever.. it was out on torrents a week before its scheduled launch.. n its a pain when u pay but sm1 gets it better ,before n for free...

so obviously all it comes down to as i said is morals... given an option i or fr that matter ne1 wud prefer a drm free software.. but u c the gamin industry is most hit by piracy n the companies thus end up takin all sorts ofdesperate measures to curb it ... i personally feel only way to stop piracy is make games cheaper n more customer friendly...

i hope this ends all... coz we r kinda goin off topic... ;)