Diwali Dhamaka - Show your <stuff> thread :P


Aug 11, 2008
First of all the OP was interested in seeing photos of diwali cracker purchased by u and so if u are like me, just avoid being here.
I gave up fireworks when i was 12 years old. But still the joy of seeing a little kid supervised, seeing the colorful skies is once in a blue moon joy,
never mind the cons of it. Just one day of fun & frolic. My prayer goes to all to have a happy and colorful diwali and not end in disasters.

Thanks @Being.smart for this thread. Lets see some pics of fireworks.
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Aug 14, 2006
Even i am against the idea of bursting crackers ( have been part of Anti-Firecrackers campaign in Delhi, when i was in school) and haven't used a cracker in more than 10 years. But what i don't get is people trying to be self righteous. If he drives joy out of it then let him do that, he already knows the consequences of air pollution and he is fine with it.

^ Exactly man.. people will take the effort to come into this thread, post their opinion on how they don't like crackers and it's bad for the environment, not used any in 10 years etc. when the title of the damn thread is "diwali-dhamaka-show-your-crackers" :|

Do you also like to go into threads titled "Show-off your car/bike/computers" and say that I don't use cars/bikes/computers because of x/y/z reasons?

I myself don't use crackers. I dislike the noise, I dislike the fact that my dog is shit scared the whole night and I dislike the smog left afterwards.

But I will not jump on OP's thread, made in the General Talk, just because I want to tell everyone how I don't use crackers. I hope you do understand that using crackers on Diwali is a celebration rather than a reason for polluting. I am using crackers as a generic word including sparklers, anaars and chakris too. One day in a year and you want to make a fricking big deal out of it.

Don't use crackers if you don't want to but please refrain from posting here how/why you don't. If you are so concerned for the environment and don't want to be a hypocrite, please don't use fossil fuels, electricity, vehicles for transportation etc. One day in a year isn't going to kill Mother Earth more than what we do everyday.

I usually don't read threads made by this particular OP and don't go in deliberately (knowing what I would see) and then make useless OT comments.
Being.smart - Please do some justice to your name and post pics if you have them.


Jun 24, 2007
Lamps and candles are my crackers. Gone are the days when i used to like crackers but i don't miss them either. Even i am against bursting crackers however kids do like them and should be allowed to burst some.
Happy Diwali to all my techenclave fellas :)


Aug 27, 2007
All those who says "It pollutes environment"- Please stop driving your car/bike at the very same moment and also using AC, they pollute more..All those who says "Its wastage of money" stoping using internet at the very same moment, you pay 20k a year just to waste your bandwidth on TechEnclave :-j From myyyyyyyyyyyyyy deep heart i feel, most member here are 25++ who have stopped buying crackers, this might be due to the reason they are living more of a professional lifeand are drowing in thier oldies :p......and yeah firing cracker with kids is much more better than gifting some girl costly gadgets :bigok:No offense to all :X:X, still waiting for some pics :)
1. We don't use vehicles unnecessarily. If that is the case, you stop selling cars / bikes. I believe you have showroom :bleh:2. If you think, spending money on Internet bills is WASTE of MONEY, get some air man. We learn a lot on Internet. In fact, we earn a lot from Internet :pSure, we are not here to demolish you. Well, it is not written anywhere that you can not express your point of view related to any topic on this board. At least I have experienced couple of dangerous incidents with Crackers in Diwali. That is the reason, I posted an awareness message. If we can't express our views related to "same" topic (no body is going OT here), I would happily stop participating in any of the board activity. :)PS : I

Lord Nemesis

Jun 3, 2005
Even i am against the idea of bursting crackers ( have been part of Anti-Firecrackers campaign in Delhi, when i was in school) and haven't used a cracker in more than 10 years. But what i don't get is people trying to be self righteous. If he drives joy out of it then let him do that, he already knows the consequences of air pollution and he is fine with it.

Don't use crackers if you don't want to but please refrain from posting here how/why you don't. If you are so concerned for the environment and don't want to be a hypocrite, please don't use fossil fuels, electricity, vehicles for transportation etc. One day in a year isn't going to kill Mother Earth more than what we do everyday.

The issue is not about wasting money or spending it in a better way. It is not about the long term pollution either and it is not about the child labor even the fire accidents, but more importantly the immediate and drastic effects on the people who don't have anything to do with crackers.

Fire all the crackers you want inside the walls of your own house in way that the smoke doesn't escape and nobody would give a damn, but people fire crackers outside and when its happening in public everybody has the right to protest against it. Its like deliberately smoking a cigar in a non-smokers face and forcing them to take the smoke in. In fact it is a lot worse than smoking. Every year, lots of asthmatic people die during Diwali season for no fault of theirs because they are forced to take in the smoke from crackers. Many of the crackers even have carbon monoxide emissions which is outright poisonous.

I have experienced Carbon Monoxide poisoning first hand (in minute quantity) and let me assure you that its not any fun when you can't breathe properly and feel your head is about to explode and the life being squeezed out of you as your eyes slowly dim out. I suffered these symptoms for close to 2 hours after a momentary inhalation. To an asthmatic person, even a small dose of something like that is fatal.

When I was a kid, an elderly lady (in early 50's) in one of the houses adjacent to us died after suffering a severe asthmatic attack a day before Diwali when some kids fired a few of those black snake tablets (which emit smoke containing a lot of Carbon Monoxide) near the window of her house. Even my sister has respiratory issues and she suffered every year during Diwali season even though she stayed inside the house. (Thankfully, she went to US last year and staying there since then and didn't have to put up with this suffering last year or this one.)

But then, people don't really care about such things in this country, they laugh it off and go on with their own celebrations. In our country, responsibility is something for everybody else but themselves and if anything goes wrong, the govt is a convenient scrape goat for everything. While fireworks are illegal in many countries, they are also legal and used in many others countries and the main difference is that they do it responsibly. They designate an area and have the fireworks show in a safe manner and in a way that only the interested people can join in without affecting the people who don't care about it. But I guess it is too much to expect that in a country like ours where people have no sense of responsibility or accountability.

In any case, regardless of what this thread is for, it is a general section thread and people have every right post in it as long as it is not against the rules of the forums. The topic of this thread is to show off what crackers each bought for Diwali, So why is it a problem if some people post that they have not bought any for so and so reason. Just like the people who are proud about the crackers that they bought, there are also people who are also proud about the crackers that they did not buy and the the maturity and understanding portrayed though their choices.


Aug 14, 2006
The issue is not about wasting money or spending it in a better way. It is not about the long term pollution either and it is not about the child labor even the fire accidents, but more importantly the immediate and drastic effects on the people who don't have anything to do with crackers.

Fire all the crackers you want inside the walls of your own house in way that the smoke doesn't escape and nobody would give a damn, but people fire crackers outside and when its happening in public everybody has the right to protest against it. Its like deliberately smoking a cigar in a non-smokers face and forcing them to take the smoke in. In fact it is a lot worse than smoking. Every year, lots of asthmatic people die during Diwali season for no fault of theirs because they are forced to take in the smoke from crackers. Many of the crackers even have carbon monoxide emissions which is outright poisonous.

I have experienced Carbon Monoxide poisoning first hand (in minute quantity) and let me assure you that its not any fun when you can't breathe properly and feel your head is about to explode and the life being squeezed out of you as your eyes slowly dim out. I suffered these symptoms for close to 2 hours after a momentary inhalation. To an asthmatic person, even a small dose of something like that is fatal.

When I was a kid, an elderly lady (in early 50's) in one of the houses adjacent to us died after suffering a severe asthmatic attack a day before Diwali when some kids fired a few of those black snake tablets (which emit smoke containing a lot of Carbon Monoxide) near the window of her house. Even my sister has respiratory issues and she suffered every year during Diwali season even though she stayed inside the house. (Thankfully, she went to US last year and staying there since then and didn't have to put up with this suffering last year or this one.)

But then, people don't really care about such things in this country, they laugh it off and go on with their own celebrations. In our country, responsibility is something for everybody else but themselves and if anything goes wrong, the govt is a convenient scrape goat for everything. While fireworks are illegal in many countries, they are also legal and used in many others countries and the main difference is that they do it responsibly. They designate an area and have the fireworks show in a safe manner and in a way that only the interested people can join in without affecting the people who don't care about it. But I guess it is too much to expect that in a country like ours where people have no sense of responsibility or accountability.

Do you celebrate Diwali? I mean, is it the most important festival on your calendar? I am assuming you are not an atheist or an agnostic. If not, then you cannot understand the significance.

For me, Diwali is the most important festival of the year - at least it is still celebrated in the manner as it has always been done (unlike the Dandiya parties with electro-house remixes etc. ) Even then, I have mentioned that I dislike all the things that come as a result of crackers.

I am very sorry for the lady who died because of the asthmatic attack but you do understand that is a one-off situation right. I can understand because my mom has asthma too. We also adhere simple basic precautions, in the case of my mom and everything is fine. For a person with asthma, even dusting a room can have the same drastic effects that smoke from fireworks does.

You don't have to explain the "fun" of CO poisoning to anyone. Smoke from fireworks is not the same as CO poisoning. You won't survive the night if there was all CO in the air.

In any case, regardless of what this thread is for, it is a general section thread and people have every right post in it as long as it is not against the rules of the forums. The topic of this thread is to show off what crackers each bought for Diwali, So why is it a problem if some people post that they have not bought any for so and so reason. Just like the people who are proud about the crackers that they bought, there are also people who are also proud about the crackers that they did not buy and the maturity and understanding portrayed though their choices.

I hope you can see the self-righteousness displayed in these lines. Lines like these convey you don't have any respect for the OP and are posting here just to show him down. If you have maturity and understanding, you will not come here to tell people how you made the right choice by not buying any crackers. You are free to create a new thread wherein you can get people who have not bought crackers and list out your reasons. Something like "Why haven't you bought firecrackers this year?". If you'd like I can create the thread for you.

I am sure you will not like anyone coming in your show-off thread (though there are no pics here, so my point may be moot) and telling you how they had the maturity and understanding of not buying the components that you bought.


Dec 19, 2011
Its Diwali -- Boom!! Boom!! Time Its Diwali -- Boom!! Boom!! Time Its Diwali -- Boom!! Boom!! Time



Oct 13, 2012
All those who says "It pollutes environment"- Please stop driving your car/bike at the very same moment and also using AC, they pollute more..

All those who says "Its wastage of money" stoping using internet at the very same moment, you pay 20k a year just to waste your bandwidth on TechEnclave :-j

From myyyyyyyyyyyyyy deep heart i feel, most member here are 25++ who have stopped buying crackers, this might be due to the reason they are living more of a professional life
and are drowing in thier oldies :p......

and yeah firing cracker with kids is much more better than gifting some girl costly gadgets :bigok:

No offense to all :X:X, still waiting for some pics :)

1 car/bike is much more necessary then lighting crackers
2 summers in delhi without ac is hellish,and requires an ac.
3 i am 15,i stopped buying crackers when i was 13,even before then i didnt buy loads of crackers,just a few phooljadi and spinners or whatever.
4. ppl do all sorts of stuff on internet ,presuming its just techenclave is stupid.even if it was just te,its still loads more helpful and satisfying then burning crackers


Staff member
Super Mod
Jun 13, 2009
New Delhi
But then, people don't really care about such things in this country, they laugh it off and go on with their own celebrations. In our country, responsibility is something for everybody else but themselves and if anything goes wrong, the govt is a convenient scrape goat for everything. While fireworks are illegal in many countries, they are also legal and used in many others countries and the main difference is that they do it responsibly. They designate an area and have the fireworks show in a safe manner and in a way that only the interested people can join in without affecting the people who don't care about it. But I guess it is too much to expect that in a country like ours where people have no sense of responsibility or accountability.

To be honest a lot of this stuff happens during Diwali (and Holi too). People become a pestilence towards society. I have seen people lighting crackers below the car chassis (not theirs); and waiting for the fun. And throwing hand (mini bombs); at walkers, is really common. People really do not take responsibility and celebrate their festival within their 4-walls. I think that is the way it should be. Else wise the roof top is fine, but the residue does fall on people below. Also people put latent timers on the fuse, and try to startle strangers when they are walking by. Some of those crackers are loud and dangerous, and pack a punch. I see it getting worse and worse every year.


Dec 19, 2011
I am waiting to see some pics of donation receipt to orphanages/old-age homes, or gifts to the helpless kids from All those respected members, who had saved alot alot and hell lot of money, just by avoiding crackers :bigok:

Let them start rolling out, and let us know you had done something for the betterment of the society this "DIWALI" :ashamed:

and for others, why fight for a specific reason, its Diwali time- time to show some brotherhood :angel:

Save all of your hard words for the upcoming "Ind-Pak" cricket tournament :flex:


Staff member
Super Mod
Jun 13, 2009
New Delhi
I am waiting to see some pics of donation receipt to orphanages/old-age homes, or gifts to the helpless kids from All those respected members, who had saved alot alot and hell lot of money, just by avoiding crackers :bigok:

It does not work like that. Just because someone is not spending on crackers, does not mean they need to be donating equivalent amounts, or even any thing for philanthropy. Do you know what it means to care for others and respect the social rights of your neighbors. I doubt it. Or being respectable to the fellow man who is also sharing a street with you. Most people like to treat public places like their own home, and that is when it becomes irksome.


Dec 19, 2011
It does not work like that. Just because someone is not spending on crackers, does not mean they need to be donating equivalent amounts, or even any thing for philanthropy. Do you know what it means to care for others and respect the social rights of your neighbors. I doubt it. Or being respectable to the fellow man who is also sharing a street with you. Most people like to treat public places like their own home, and that is when it becomes irksome.

Thk God i didn't shifted to Mumbai or some other metro city last year, else i would have totally lost the joy of Diwali by taking care and needs of my neighbors and others who lives in my street :p.. in my locality, especially my street every come come together and celebrate Diwali burning crackers and doing other things, and i love the way its being celebrated :).

I am really shocked to see the very first time, this lot of peoples having problem with crackers, i know my little bro (you can see him in my DP :p) have problem, but every time i do lite some crackers, first i make him sleep in a insulated room where he ain't have any problem :)

And sorry boss if you got hurt by my that statement, i pointed that statement toward all those who says blah blah is wastage of money please donate to some blah blah without looking onto themselves...

Also one major point to note :D, i am noting everyone's name who are saying "Burning crackers= wastage of money/ problem to other people/ pollution" thing, let them get married and at the very same time i am going to shoot a thread on them picking various wastage which would been done :p :p

Ain't anyone else has bought crackers.. please post pics and let the thread starts rolling :X


Nov 29, 2010
please I too want to see some fantastic cracker pics... i totally get the environment noice etc stuff but I still love crackers... i travel by bus daily and most guys drive so I guess this is the way I want to spend my credits... like the kyoto protocol... everyone is allowed to pollute equally in a year... choose how you want to do it... perfume... driving.... chimneys... extra electricity... deodorants... make up... fir coat.. crackers


Aug 14, 2006
please I too want to see some fantastic cracker pics... i totally get the environment noice etc stuff but I still love crackers... i travel by bus daily and most guys drive so I guess this is the way I want to spend my credits... like the kyoto protocol... everyone is allowed to pollute equally in a year... choose how you want to do it... perfume... driving.... chimneys... extra electricity... deodorants... make up... fir coat.. crackers

Now where are the pics? Being.smart atleast you buy some & post some pics

He has done so already - http://www.techenclave.com/general-talk/diwali-dhamaka-show-your-crackers-141335/p3/#post1747036

- - - Updated - - -

Is someone cleaning this thread? Why are my posts deleted?