Disabling USB in visitor account



I have this following query.

My PC has two accounts: One is mine and another is VISITOR (minimal access).

Now the problem is one of my family member uses the visitor account to use USB. But this is causing me lot of trouble. I am compelled to allow him to use my PC. But I do not want him to use some USB drives with my PC.

1. Is there any way that I can DISABLE ONLY USB to only the visitor account?

2. Also, he should not come to know that USB is disabled......it should be like windows showing some error so that he will stop using USB.

Kindly help me out.....

Just change the value of this registry entry to "4" and access to USB mass storage devices will be blocked, if thats what you are looking for. Whenever you want to use it restore the value to "3" :


The effects take place when you replug the USB Drive. PC restart is not required.

This is how most MNCs block usage of USB drives on the PC.