digital cam 15k

It depends on what your priorities are and how are you going to use it.

But among those two its surely TZ4. I really really wanted this cam for several reasons. Only if it had manual mode. :(
^ That doesn't seem to carry official Panasonic warranty which means its grey market maal.. Look locally in some grey market shops and you should be able to get it.
:p now you are really ready to buy a camera. :lol:

There is no best as I have seen from my own research, there is some compromise in each of them.

Well define what you need the camera for. How would you be using it. What kinda occassions, night photography, social events, indoors, travel. What are your preferences like light weight, video recording, price range beyond which you wont go.
1. Travel - for sceneries wide angle and good zoom can prove to be a boon TZ4. SD has only 3.7X and is not wide angle.
2. Indoors and night photography - a fast charging flash and also poweful enough to cover longer distance. SD950
3. 16:9 video recording TZ4. Neither has HD recording
4. SD950 bigger sensor (larger sensor = better performance in dim light and low noise)
5. SD950 12MP and a bit more lighter.

So rate these for starters in terms of your preference
dude plsa consider this abt kodak c813...its a 8.3 mpix cam,with 3x optic and 4x dig zoom and mmc a pro photographer freelancer actually....neways i have been using for more than a yr with out any trouble....if u want me to hook u up with a cam for half the price of ur budget let me know...i,e pm me!!!