Device Paired But Cannot Send Media Files Via Bluetooth


Need a bit of help here. yesterday i was trying to send image file to blackberry curve from my Motorola defy. it paired up and everything. but when i tried to send an image it just showed image not sent.Tried sending other kind of media files but still could not send anything.

I am able to receive from BB via blue tooth but cannot send anything to a BB.. Why is that? Has anyone else faced similar problem? Can anyone help me out? mods if similar thread exist please post link and close this thread
Try deleting the paired device, and restart the whole process once again, this works for me, when i face this issue with my friends cell phone
in a BB , its not done like that .. when u wish to receive on a BB , go to the media screen i.e where all the pictures, ringtones and songs icons exist and then press blackberry button, choose receive. After this click the send from DEfy, and then u'll be able to get ur file on BB. Hope it helped and if problem still persists, get back to me.
Even i'm facing the same issue on my Defy.

I'm facing this issue from the date i bought it, it works perfectly with some devices but transfer fails for most of the time.

i was kind neglecting this issue but thanks for bringing up here