customs nokia N70?


i had almost zeroed in on the K750i but this dealer is offering me a customs confiscated N70 for 15,500 bucks.Without any warranty.
anyone had any bad experiences with pieces like this?
coz most phones come with only a warranty of one year after which one pays for repairs if any.
should i go for this piece or definitely shouldn't (reasons)?
wont bug this forum with my cell phone deciding tribulations again.:eek:hyeah:
hmm..i agree with stormblast..its upto ur usage..

My opinion..if i were u...i would go for a new K750i instead of a confiscated N70
Man, i'm hell jealous of peeps who know customs peepz..

A friend of mine is getting an N70 for Rs.8000 by someone he knows at customs.. i've asked him to try one for me too (anythin, n70 or w800i, he said he would try...)
Lucky !

params7 said:
Go for a new K750i please. That n70 could've been refurbished and will most probably break in a couple of months.

He said "customs confiscated" not refurb ;)

My freind got a 60GB iPod Video from some dude in the customs for 9k. Sealed box, brand new..
Anish said:
Lucky !

He said "customs confiscated" not refurb ;)

My freind got a 60GB iPod Video from some dude in the customs for 9k. Sealed box, brand new..
Totally OT: Anymore pieces left... messa wanty ekto :p...