Crysis wins gamespot's shooter of the year LOL

lol...isnt gamespot those reviewers who fired an editor for giving 6 out of 10 for kane and lynch.How much did they get paid to make it shooter of the year.
The Kane & Lynch fiasco was the beginning of the end for Gamespot... this wasn't a smart move either. It will take a lot for them to repair their damaged rep.
i second the ur opinions u guys...completely agree with u hands down....Crysis is nothing but a lot a of eye candy...and no story...just a new technology called with a lot of hype :S :| called the Nano Tech Muscle Suit...:rofl: and that too the story is a modified version of Half Life 2
ubergeek said:
LOL LMAO bioshock or cod4 should've been the shooter of the year crysis doesnt deserve it

Oh c'mon not Bioshock... I'd giv tat to COD4 or rather GOW... Both were awesome...
Balkazzaar said:
i second the ur opinions u guys...completely agree with u hands down....Crysis is nothing but a lot a of eye candy...and no story...just a new technology called with a lot of hype :S :| called the Nano Tech Muscle Suit...:rofl: and that too the story is a modified version of Half Life 2

Wudn tat be a li'l too much??? Crysis does hav a storyline and d sad part being how an engine puts all the best cards in d market to shame...

Now tats a good thing cos nvidia n ati(will u anytime???) wud come up with newer gpus n start pwnin...

Ther're games tat'd compare with Crysis in terms of gameplay like the COD4 or the GOW...
thebanik said:
^^^and why not Bioshock????? Did you play it??? man it had amazing graphics, amazing storyline, enjoyable gameplay.

Ya I did... Somehow didn appeal to me jus like hw Ststem Shock did wen twas released...

Doesn stand fer the nominees of GOTY tho... :no:
gannu_rox said:
Wudn tat be a li'l too much??? Crysis does hav a storyline and d sad part being how an engine puts all the best cards in d market to shame...

Now tats a good thing cos nvidia n ati(will u anytime???) wud come up with newer gpus n start pwnin...

Ther're games tat'd compare with Crysis in terms of gameplay like the COD4 or the GOW...

with all due respect to u bro (i too am frm ur homeland :p) i said it clearly in my posts a modified story version. ok i might have gone too far,so ok, let me give crysis some credit as u say...
IMO, CryEngine 2 is the best Game Engine released this year. Agreed that Crysis as a single player game has been disappointing to many after all the hype made around it, but I am looking forward to more games being made on CryEngine 2. This Engine may be putting most GPU's to shame, but the Engine is so well optimized that the game is still playable even at 12 FPS. Anyway I have not even played the game even though I have the legit version with me for quite some time now as I feel my 1900XT does not do justice to this game. This game should be viewed as a Tech Demo for a next gen engine than as a contender for GOTY.

As for the GOTY, I would say that COD 4 should get that irrespective of its short length.

Bioshock was like a teaser for the current gen games, it was a great game but it does not deserve a GOTY. Frankly I felt that it does not use the UT3 Engine on PC as well as UT3 or MOH: Airborne does. Both Bioshock and Stranglehold are have not used UT3 Engine properly.

As for Multiplayer fun, both TF2 and COD 4 score there, but UT3 should be the best of the lot for many.