Audio Corsair SP2500 speakers stopped working


Hello, yesterday I returned to my place and found that my SP2500 speakers weren't working anymore.

The control pod is turning on. If I connect headphones to control pod's audio jack, it works fine. But the speakers don't work. The left speaker doesn't work at all. No buzz sound at full volume. The right speaker gives a buzz sound at high volume.

When I play something, there is absolutely no sound from the left speaker and really faint noise from right speaker at high volume. The audio isn't normal. It feels like it's coming from far away.

I was out of station for 1 week. The speakers were off. What could be the problem? Can it be repaired?

Edit: I tried connecting different satellite speakers to SP2500 woofer and they also aren't working. So I am guessing the problem is with the woofer audio ports.