Console Gaming Vs Pc Gaming : Round 2 !


Jan 4, 2006
Hi Guys
I dont wanna ruin my other thread , so here it is :


Now i know this has been done before but at that time My Dear friend params7 was alone with all those pc fanboys flying around him.Plus the mods got involved { like in my other thread } so now no more flaming and no more mods just simple DEBATE between CONSOLES and the pc.I hope params7 you are with me ! Good luck everybody !:hap2:


Dec 1, 2005
depends on wat kinda game na,fpses suk on consoles unless they make some gun kinda controller(like the old consoles),while u cant emulate DMC on a comp.


Jan 4, 2006
What exactly did I miss recently? Someone want to clue me in on why seemingly intelligent, respectable, non-violent (except when killing people in games of course) people become absolute psychos when the PC Gaming vs. Console Gaming debate comes up?
In any event, why do people get so uptight, and so abrasive with this debate? God, each has there own positives and negatives like anything else. One has better graphics or audio, one has a more streamlined experience or something else like that. One generation of consoles comes along, and BAM everyone says PC Gaming is dead for good this time. Then a game like F.E.A.R. or Half-Life 2 comes along and BAM, PC Gaming is back from the dead (for a little while). There will always be PC Gaming! Just as there will always be Console Gaming! As we move forward technologically, they will become more and more related of course.

But since this debate is CONSOLE GAMING VS PC GAMING , i would most certainly go with console gaming !:tongue: Here are my reasons :

One is cash. Yes, it's possible to go out and buy x parts to make an amazing gaming system, but I don't have the time, space or money to do that. If I go to a shop, I'm gonna pay more for a PC than a console. There's obvious reasons for that, but the point still stands.

I can buy a console for (example) rs8000, and it will be around for about 6 years (when the next one comes out). Every game for it is made for that console that everyone has, so there's no 'damn I need a faster CPU' problems.

A PC doesn't last 5 years without needing an upgrade of one or more parts in order to have the right setup for that one game that's just come out. Decent graphics cards alone can cost more than rs 8000, let alone the rest of the parts!

It's not a rich/poor split at all, however. A console will still set you back x, as well as games costing y each time, the same as PC. There's some divide, but it's more about priorities and time than available cash.:)

Every PC has different specifications and a huge range of other variables attached to it (operating system version, other software installed that may conflict with games and so on). PC owners may find themselves calling the tech line to find out how to configure the computer properly for each game - a problem console owners don't have.:tongue:


Jan 4, 2006
killeraim said:
depends on wat kinda game na,fpses suk on consoles unless they make some gun kinda controller(like the old consoles),while u cant emulate DMC on a comp.
Thats a common misconception my dear friend !While i agree that my dear PS2 does'nt have many killer fps { thats becoz of graphical issues and not technical }but xbox has tons of them which are equally good and some are even better than a PC !:bleh:

Examples :
1. Halo !
2. chronicles of riddick !
3. far cry !
4. doom 3 !
5. half life 2 !
6. king kong !
7. quake 4 !
8. metal gear solid 3 !



Mar 16, 2005
Point in favour of PCs - you can upgrade

Point against PCs - you have to upgrade

Point against console - FPSes suck on consoles

Point in favour of console - is the above fact really that bad???

Point in favour of consoles - no need to download the latest catalyst/detonator driversw every other week so that you can get the most tweaked and cheat loaded bloatware (catalyst control center anyone?)
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Sep 4, 2005
bluffmaster said:
What exactly did I miss recently? Someone want to clue me in on why seemingly intelligent, respectable, non-violent (except when killing people in games of course) people become absolute psychos when the PC Gaming vs. Console Gaming debate comes up?
In any event, why do people get so uptight, and so abrasive with this debate? God, each has there own positives and negatives like anything else. One has better graphics or audio, one has a more streamlined experience or something else like that. One generation of consoles comes along, and BAM everyone says PC Gaming is dead for good this time. Then a game like F.E.A.R. or Half-Life 2 comes along and BAM, PC Gaming is back from the dead (for a little while). There will always be PC Gaming! Just as there will always be Console Gaming! As we move forward technologically, they will become more and more related of course.

But since this debate is CONSOLE GAMING VS PC GAMING , i would most certainly go with console gaming !:tongue: Here are my reasons :

One is cash. Yes, it's possible to go out and buy x parts to make an amazing gaming system, but I don't have the time, space or money to do that. If I go to a shop, I'm gonna pay more for a PC than a console. There's obvious reasons for that, but the point still stands.

I can buy a console for (example) rs8000, and it will be around for about 6 years (when the next one comes out). Every game for it is made for that console that everyone has, so there's no 'damn I need a faster CPU' problems.

A PC doesn't last 5 years without needing an upgrade of one or more parts in order to have the right setup for that one game that's just come out. Decent graphics cards alone can cost more than rs 8000, let alone the rest of the parts!

It's not a rich/poor split at all, however. A console will still set you back x, as well as games costing y each time, the same as PC. There's some divide, but it's more about priorities and time than available cash.:)

Every PC has different specifications and a huge range of other variables attached to it (operating system version, other software installed that may conflict with games and so on). PC owners may find themselves calling the tech line to find out how to configure the computer properly for each game - a problem console owners don't have.:tongue:

well some of ur points might be true but i wont agree with the one which say tht the consoles will have the longer shelf life........who knows with the way technological advances r goin u might start gettin newer versions of consoles every 1-2 years.......and a PC definately has that much of a shelf life......


Dec 1, 2005
lol.death of xbox 360=release of PS3 LOL.

dude,c'mon u gotta agree that control on consoles for fps the fark will u aim la??aiming with joystick sux big time!!even though they have killer fps games with sexy graphix and stuff the control sux.


Jan 4, 2006
Sorry mate i dont agree with you ! U know its just a matter of adjusting to the controls ! Agreed that playing fps on a pc with a mouse is much easier but hey playing it on console is;nt bad either ! Once u r adjusted to the controls it all becomes really easy ! You get a totally different experience on a console which is not that bad !


Dec 1, 2005
hmm.might be,but it cant beat aiming power of MX518 :p

also,strategy games on consoles SUK!!!and u cant have hotkeys or such on consoles even fi ther is a strategy game.


Jan 4, 2006
Well as i said before both systems have their advantages and Disadvantages !
Agreed that their are not many stratergy games on a console but then can you play brawlers like devil may cry , god of war , tekken , etc on a PC ?

Plus FPS on the consoles are not as bad as you are saying , as i said it just takes some time to adjust !


Mar 17, 2005
Class M Planet
Big point for me : I get more eye candy and equally good gameplay more often on PC than console.

And many console FPS games use autoaim, sucks to be honest. Why cant they just make official support for keyboard and mouse. This should have been done last generation only. I would have played games on xbox more often then.

And personally i cant live with same thing for 5-6 years, be it the best console or pc in the market, i will get bored of same thing in max 1-2 years :p


Jan 4, 2006
ok now consoles biggest strength lies in its game library ! There are sooooooooo many exclusive titles on consoles which absolutely rock ! Titles like smackdown vs raw 2006 , metal gear solid 3 , god of war , devil may cry 3dead or alive 4 , tekken 5, burnout revenge , grand tourismo 4 , etc......You could only dream to have them on a pc.
On the other hand the most famous PC games are multi platform games like splinter cell chos theory , GTA SA , DOOM 3 , quake 4, half life 2 , far cry , need for speed series, etc............

Now you have to agree with me on dat ?


Mar 18, 2005
Auot aim may suck but more and more FPS's are going to consoles. Three killers on PC (Farcry, Doom3 and HF2) have also gone to the consoles, one of the only good exclsuive PC has is Fear.
People are actually adjusting to the analogue joystick. Manual aiming with near-perfect responce works for FPS's in consoles.


Mar 17, 2005
Who cares even if all PC games get ported over to consoles. The most popular PC titles are multi-platformed because PCs are an open market constantly revolutionalizing the gaming industry unlike the closed console market with nothing but exclusivity deals to hold on to.

All games on all platforms, that's the way it should be.
Let those who can't handle PC gaming buy consoles, and those who want the better experience and quality can stick to PCs.

Cheap and ease of use may yeild higher sales figures, doesn't say anything about which is clearly the superior platform.
Hard as it may be to believe for everyone who keeps complaining about the upgrade costs - PC gamers don't mind the yearly upgrades, they thrive on them. Otherwise everyone would just go get a console and be done with it.


Jan 4, 2006
Have you ever gone out of India ? Hell have you ever tried to surf some professional gaming sites ? Do you even know whats the status of gaming in the world ? Just like every middleclass families own a TV in India , Every guy has a console In america and japan ! Infact PC gaming is not even in the league of consoles in those developed countries !In India very few people own consoles and thats not because they like PC but becoz They arent officially realeased in india.No advertisements nothing. Moreover Indian society is not very open to gaming !
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Jan 29, 2005
Well without going to the hardware specifics, I'll just put it in this way... the current triple core x360 is slower than an athlon 64 3000+ even after using all the available cores. The ps3 is not going to be any better in terms of hardware either. The GPUs are good but well there is already faster stuff on PC. For me the biggest downer is that I hate using a stupid analog controller instead of a mouse. Its just a useless scheme with no creativity involved in the motion. bluffy lets try playing q4 with me on a pc and you on an x360. hehe its gonna be a no contest even though i'm not particularly good at it :p