PC Peripherals Confused on My PC


Mar 27, 2005
Need help on this guys.I have to buy a new PC for my college which is going to be starting this year.I am planning on the Instrumentation Branch in Engineering and although i dont know what the course structure is going to be,I know that its going to involve alot computer work.So i am making that pc for that in mind.also, i will be listening to alot of music on it, running loads of applications,movies (hd movies in the future),and i am somewhere between a casual gamer and a hardcore gamer where ill be running all the new games that come in based on the dx 10.1 and further.

the queries i have are :

1) should i go for a e7200 with a ultima 90 or a e8400 the processor,because the e7200 with the ultima90 would cost nearly the same as a e8400 ?

2) should i go for a 4850 gpu because i have a 19" monitor and secondly because,i am planning to invest in a abit quadGT board instead of the ip35 pro board which i was planning to buy earlier because it makes me system futureproof if i want to add another 4850 in the future or should i just go in for a 4870 on a abit ip35 pro.?

3) i am still unsure about the ram.i dont know which brand should i go for.would the rams from corsair and gskill which cost way more are going to give a performance difference in accordance to the difference in their prices from the normal rams.(if they are a total neccesity,then which one should i go for).?

4) i already have a 250gb external harddrive and i am planning to go in for a 640gb hard drive.?

5) i also want a good enough 5.1 that doesnt burn too much of a hole in my pocket but its good enough for the movies i watch.whats the best option i have?

6) is the onboard sound on a quadGT or ip35 pro better than a soundblaster audigy plain version.?



Mar 4, 2007
1. Ultima 90i + E7200 2.3 + 5.8 (Choose this if U can overclock :eek:hyeah: which is not hard, some people just dont try :no: ) E8400 if U wanna run @ stock.

2. 4870 on current mobo. Crossfire is overkill for 19" LCD. 329$ ?? To be honest even 4850 is enough

3. Not neccesary, no real world gain. if U r or may use Vista or say any 64 bit OS get Transcend or Gskill 2X2GB 800MHz 3.6k

4. W.D. 640GB SATAII 4.3k

5. Logitech X-530 5.1Ch 5.5k

6. No, Realtek sucks, :mad: , I m buying used Audigy Value, atleast it will be miles better than onboard.


Apr 18, 2008
instead of going for abit quad gt you cna go for this board

Newegg.com - ASUS P5E Deluxe LGA 775 Intel X48 ATX Intel Motherboard - Intel Motherboards
seems to be a simpler version of Asus rampage formula but just as good (if you can shell out a little more i.e)

some guy has even flashed the rampage formula bios into this mobo with spectacular results in overclocking :p .

But even IF youre not very adventurous in overclocking its still a bettter board than Abit Quad gt since this one is based on x48 chipset:clap: .Asus is a safer bet than Abit IMO:)


Jun 24, 2007
errr......y wud he get a monitor upgrade later if nt now.....?? doesnt make sense....realtek suxx big time...soundmax is best amongst onboard sound.:)
and for 5.1 logitech x540. if u want speakers for music get altec lansing mx5021 2.1.......:D
g.skill rams r gud n so r corsair n transcend. jus check for timings n choose accordingly.


Mar 27, 2005
No I wont..theres hardly any chance of me upgrading my monitor in the next 1.5 years maybe.and i will go for crossfire only if gta4 doesnt work well with my card.wont 4850 suffice on a quadGT for playing Games..which decent frame rates at everything high at 1440x900 resolution for my widescreen monitor.


Mar 27, 2005
@wingzero .. this is the ram i am looking at GSKILL PC2 8500 1066.Although i dont think this would be available in India.Do i have an option better than this for a similar price which i can buy locally.


Nov 19, 2007
Ridd! said:
@wingzero .. this is the ram i am looking at GSKILL PC2 8500 1066.Although i dont think this would be available in India.Do i have an option better than this for a similar price which i can buy locally.

why r u going for 4GB RAM:huh: ... rather i think 2GB is sufficient for any games right now or near future...

btw GSKILL PC2 8500 1066 will probably cost around 6.5K in India through KMD...


Nov 13, 2007
New Delhi
by the time u think of CFing ur 4850, another card will hit the market which will be far superior than all its predecessors. so i guess CF and SLI is for ur own satisfaction. u r not gonna get 100% increase in performance in any way. so i guess CF and SLI is just an overkill. IMO there is no point in CFing ur 48xx or SLIing ur 98xx series cards.


painkiller said:
by the time u think of CFing ur 4850, another card will hit the market which will be far superior than all its predecessors. so i guess CF and SLI is for ur own satisfaction. u r not gonna get 100% increase in performance in any way. so i guess CF and SLI is just an overkill. IMO there is no point in CFing ur 48xx or SLIing ur 98xx series cards.

Oh yeah?? Hw abt getting a CF solution for 17k just in case u get the chance to?? :p Ok forget the warranty part n all; No hard-mods intended to be done;

At least isn't it better than paying 15k odd [asuuming its 15k btw] for the 4870 when it releases in India??

I was planning on the 9800GTX from a 8800GTX which supposedly would not create any wonders since its not a really worthy upgrade; :p

The prices of the 48xx cards really shocked me and for a person who's made up his mind to settle down with the rig for sometime, a CF solution or an SLI solution is worth it IMO; :)

Nothing like an overkill; :p

If u've the dough to burn who's stopping u?? :p


^^^Eggjactly; :p What made u think I poured the replies?? Even I was a firm believer of the fact that a SLI/CF investment is a waste; Not anymore esp when the 48xx are priced so good here; :D

And not on those 98xx when the rubies're doing better;

Besides a good SLI capable motherboard fetches 14k when u can have a good CF board for roughly 10k; Add to that; :p


Mar 4, 2007
Gannu we can fetch EVGA 750i FTW mobo, its doing wonders, everything same as 790i except TRI SLi. Only con I can see is only 4 SATA ports.


Sep 24, 2005
Ridd! said:
I have to buy a new PC for my college which is going to be starting this year.I am planning on the Instrumentation Branch in Engineering and although i dont know what the course structure is going to be,I know that its going to involve alot computer work.So i am making that pc for that in mind.
No real need for computer while in college for Engg.
Unless you plan to do something in comps, join some course and also plan to take up IT later.
And even if u need one for only project work, most colleges allow full access to PC labs. :bleh:
Ridd! said:
also, i will be listening to a lot of music on it,
running loads of applications,
movies (hd movies in the future),and
i am somewhere between a casual gamer and a hardcore gamer where ill be running all the new games that come in based on the dx 10.1 and further.
The real and ONLY truth behind you getting a new power PC and you can't do without a good one for HD and gaming anyways. :eek:hyeah:
Sid has summed up almost all ina very concise but precise manner.
All the best. :)

To Sid, Gannu and other gurus,
Any idea on the new P45 mobos like some P5Q model for 7-8K odd or a bit more?
Worth over IP35Pro now?