confused between PS3 and PC

Didn't mean to confuse you, but it really depends on how much you're willing to spend. The math is simple, PS3 is a one time investment. It's games are something you need to afford over a longer period. If you can pull that off, then nothing should stop you from getting it.

Else you can do what Gannu does; purchase, complete the game and sell. Rinse and repeat. :p
hey guys can u tell me about buyng games from US. is it worthit as we know electronics r lot cheper there. hv any one tried it before.
My take on this whole discussion is that if you get a 360, you can game for a couple of years easily.. plus Natal will be out around 2012 is what sources have said so that's an added bonus. Plus its cheaper and (apparently) has a lot more dedicated titles than the PS3.. A lot of the Playstation's old dedicated titles came over to the Xbox (seen E3 this year? ;))

Of course, PS3 has a lot more power and is a lot costlier. I haven't personally played it but I've heard it's really good. But honestly, I think the XBox is better for it's price and game collection. I have a PS2 and yes, I'll miss God of War 3 but hey, it's the last of the series (and the only title the PS3 has all to itself that I'd like to play). I'm sure Bungee will come out with a million more Halo titles because it's a cash cow :p

I'm not that into games.. don't flame me for my views but they are what they are.

PCs are great for games but I really hate how you have to upgrade after every couple of years. As for haxxed games, you can get them for PCs and consoles (at least the xbox 360. not sure about the ps3) Plus, I have more fun playing most games on the console. It feels more comfortable sitting back on the couch and having fun as opposed to sitting close to the screen using the keyboard/mouse.

Those are the only 2 considerations for me. Upgradability and comfort of a console. The haxxed games really aren't a concern looking at the number of games I actually play. The casual games you can play on your PC because it is quite good to last for most games at a casual level. For ones you want to be hardcore involved with, play them on a console :)

Just my 2 paise on the topic :)

Addition: Oh also, the xbox is insanely costly here as compared to other countries.. may be tax.. may be whatever.. it's utterly shitty.. Get a deal from some one.. TE has decent deals (Look for prashaant on the forum.. Dealer's Paradise section) or try to get someone to carry one into the country while coming in :p A lot cheaper.. plus you can have the XBox 360 Elite instead of silly Arcade :p Pros are already out of production anyway.. Of course, carrying one in does have risks with customs and shit.. not sure how much customs is and if it comes out to be cheaper :) But they don't always see that stuff.. :p Do the whole carrying in thing at your own risk.. clear freaking disclaimer :p
aneesh_arjun said:
Anyone wants pc games for Rs 50.


PC and pS2 games For sale India cheapest - Home

see the link

This is not the place sir

tajendra said:
I think iv got the answer guys.

First i am going to buy a Good mid range GPU may be ati 4870 its around 9.5K and a 450 W PSU. it ll cost me around 13K i think. then play some games on it. and try ps3 on the shop nearby my house. then if i feel that ps3 outpreforms my pc, ill go for ps3 also and will use it for games that i cant get on pc.

thanx guys for ur valuable sugestions

plz feel free to guide me if i am doing the right thing and of corse if i buy ps3 i can buy second hand games that will cost me less then fresh ones

Whats your monitor size and resolution you will play that

If its 19/22" LCD upto 1650 resolution - good choice

If its more than that, go with PS3 as your upgrade path will be steep
my LCD size is 24" resolution 1920x1080.
my current GPU can play games on a desent resolution about 1378x768 for RE5 at around 30 fps.

but i want more out of it as playing with max resol and highest graphic is realy facinating for me.
games looks change drameticaly. this i notised when i overclocked my GPU and played the same game with max resol.

one more thing guys,

is it possible to attach ps3 with pc moniter.

my moniter do not have a hdmi port instead it has a dvi port.

will there b any problem if i try to attach ps3 to my moniter
tajendra said:
my LCD size is 24" resolution 1920x1080.

my current GPU can play games on a desent resolution about 1378x768 for RE5 at around 30 fps.

but i want more out of it as playing with max resol and highest graphic is realy facinating for me.

games looks change drameticaly. this i notised when i overclocked my GPU and played the same game with max resol.

one more thing guys,

is it possible to attach ps3 with pc moniter.

my moniter do not have a hdmi port instead it has a dvi port.

will there b any problem if i try to attach ps3 to my moniter

There will be no issues using a HDMI to DVI converter, the PS3 will easily attach to your Monitor. My suggestion is that dont waste any cash on the GFX card, get yourself a PS3 or a Xbox 360 & use that money to help you buy & trade some games in the future.
Zero Cool said:
My suggestion is that dont waste any cash on the GFX card, get yourself a PS3 or a Xbox 360 & use that money to help you buy & trade some games in the future.

True, one cannot beat PS3 for the sheer power hidden. The future should open many uses for it. Its the most powerful PC out there now but agreed, games on PC is another enjoyment that consoles never ever can match.
Zero Cool said:
There will be no issues using a HDMI to DVI converter, the PS3 will easily attach to your Monitor. My suggestion is that dont waste any cash on the GFX card, get yourself a PS3 or a Xbox 360 & use that money to help you buy & trade some games in the future.
It will be a problem if his monitor is not HDCP compliant. PS3 is pretty strict on this part. So better check if the monitor is HDCP compliant before jumping on the bandwagon.
PS3 and XBOX360 sucks in front of PC GAMING...these are for those who just want to insert the game disc into console and start playing...instead off planning a gaming rig and enjoy its awesomeness.

Search on youtube and watch comparison videos....everything will get clear. But if u insist on to buy a gaming console then go for XBOX360 simply.
rahulgoel said:
these are for those who just want to insert the game disc into console and start playing...instead off planning a gaming rig and enjoy its awesomeness.

So you think of any game and it loads the disc into your 'gaming rig' by itself and the game starts by itself and you shat in your trousers in awesomeness when that happens? Or does it happen the other way round?
Gannu said:
So you think of any game and it loads the disc into your 'gaming rig' by itself and the game starts by itself and you shat in your trousers in awesomeness when that happens? Or does it happen the other way round?

did u got burnt by the comment? :bleh:

I mean with my comment that console are chosen most by those people who don't wanna get into the fuss of selecting the processor and GPU for a PC based gaming...thats all. PC is and will anytime provide better gaming experience than a console...if budget is outta concern of the buyer. :cool2:
rahulgoel said:
console are chosen most by those people who don't wanna get into the fuss of selecting the processor and GPU for a PC based gaming.

That's an FUD. You may want to correct that. There're people who own a console and a decent gaming PC and they keep upgrading the latter.

rahulgoel said:
PC is and will anytime provide better gaming experience than a console...if budget is outta concern of the buyer.

Pretty much debatable. Well, that's your 2 cents. Anyways this has been discussed to death before.
Gannu said:
That's an FUD. You may want to correct that.

No FUD boss...and I don't think that there is anything which shud be corrected. I said in comment that "most people" not "all people".

Gannu said:
There're people who own a console and a decent gaming PC and they keep upgrading the latter.

thats the awesomeness of a PC :eek:hyeah:

console once bought can't be upgraded, whereas PC has upgrade option.

Pretty much debatable. Well, that's your 2 cents. Anyways this has been discussed to death before.

One can compare the hardware installed in consoles and the one that can be installed in a PC, and decide on his own which way to go.

Bottom line: If budget is outta concern then one shud go for a PC based gaming rig....IMHO.
rahulgoel said:
did u got burnt by the comment? :bleh:

I mean with my comment that console are chosen most by those people who don't wanna get into the fuss of selecting the processor and GPU for a PC based gaming...thats all. PC is and will anytime provide better gaming experience than a console...if budget is outta concern of the buyer. :cool2:

PC = better gaming experience? For FPS, yes. For everything else..consoles rock..
IMO PS3 is good bcos u dont have to spend money on upgrades evry year.

You also get some great exclusive titles like uncharted 1 and 2, LittleBigPlanet, resistance 1 and 2, etc. Also the PS3 is a great bluray player. And buying pirated games shud be avoided anyway.
Fahrenheit said:
PC = better gaming experience? For FPS, yes. For everything else..consoles rock..

BS, have u heard about games like GTA, Dragon Age, Mass Effect and so on. Which system they play best on, FYI its on PC and they are all not FPS

also a small genre called strategy :p
Ok, good discussion going on here. :p

BTW, I had a few questions, didn't want to make a separate thread for this hence posting here. X360 will be getting Natal in a year or two and PS3 will be getting it's motion controller too I suppose. So the control aspect of the gaming will very much improve and the new games designed to take advantage of this technology will provide a great experience on the consoles but graphically still it's the PC.

Now the questions

1 - Is the Natal coming to Windows as well? Then PC gaming FTW. :hap2:

2 - How long before Wii, 360 and PS3 makes way for the next generation of the consoles?

3 - Why couldn't they just add a simple option to plug in a USB keyboard and mouse for all the consoles, and also make games use them or the controller as per the player's preference, which could have completely eliminated the advantage PC games get wrt FPS and other games where mouse is handy.

As of now, these 3 consoles cannot compete with even a mainstream gaming PC as far as graphics is concerned. :hap2:
IF u want the best gaming Xperience
Go for XBOX360 (jasper ones)They have the greatest game library.
AND u CAN get an modded NTSC/J console from musafir khanna(but get jasper ones). And they have most of the latest original games for xbox 360 with NTSC/J compatibility. Or u can get region free from prashant.
U can also get AHEM games if u are tight on budget.
XBOX 360 is not famous because of RROD.
But i love the controller and the performance of the console.
IF u have lot of moolah's then also don't go for PS3 rather than buy xbox360 console from prashant(TE dealer) the jasper ones and also the games from him.
Xbox have one of the best exclusives PS3 also has many exclusive but eventually MICROSOFT will take away the rights of the third party as it did with GTA 4,Tekken,final fantasy and many more.and the reverse will happen when PS2 had third party developers at their sides and XBOX had less developers.
FIRST get xbox360 then only get ps3 :hap2: