Graphic Cards Computer showing colours...



I have a 300watts ps and a 128mb radeon 9800pro ati orignal from many weeks and months now.

Sometimes now it the computer shows colours,
the boot screen of win xp and win 98 changed colour ,pink or purple for a few seconds and got ok again.
Changing colours has happened earlier.

Also,when i install omega after a few days the games start showing artifacts.

What can i do?
try using ati tool and reduce the speeds of the core and memory speeds and see if the artifacts still persist..

the changing colors could even be a fault with your monitor
The issue could bea as simple as a frayed cable between the monitor and the PC.....Used to see this problem often on campus PCs...just try to twiddle the monitor wire if and when this issue occurs again
^^ The monitor cable could be at fault. Just take a screenshot and post it here, it will be easy to spot the issue.