PC Peripherals Computer Cabinet & Cpu Cooler :HELP


I am planning to buy a new Cabinet and CPU Cooler and my budget is 9-10K.....
I have - Cabinet - Zebronics Breeze
Cpu Cooler - Stock (Amd phenom 955 BE @3.6 GHz)
At stock it makes very noise but temps are 35-40*C

Should I get a Cooler Master 690 II Advanced and Hyper 212 Plus
Any Suggestions
already nice selection but in your price range you can have more options in cabinets:
NZXT Tempest Evo (can install 8 HDD's easily)
Lancool K62 (True tool less design)
HAF922 (good airflow)

check them out & decide..
Thanks..I think cm690 II advanced gives the same airflow like HAF922 and cpu cooler is ok then i am going for cm690 II advanced as i gave name to my computer (BlueFire) so would match with blue fans and further lighting :D..
But still would take me a week to buy give any more suggestions
Haf 922 ftw !!

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And for the Noise change your CPU fan settings in BIOS !!!!! Mine makes noise at 48C!! Leme knw!! CM Hyper 212+ is good enough provided your not a hardcore OC'er