Linux best distro for kde 4.2


As the title shows which the best distro that flawlessly integrates with kde 4.2 I tried kubuntu but i didnt like its performance. I am leaning towards sabayon 4r1. Is it a good distro to start with kde 4.2 ??
What version of Kubuntu did you try? The upcoming (not-yet-released) 9.04 version (which has KDE 4.2) looks like it will be very good, I'm currently running the alphas/betas for weeks now and its very fast/stable for me.

If not Kubuntu (which is what I would recommend) then I suggest you stay away from the less popular distros like Sabayon, Mint and what have you.

I would say wait for 3 distro releases which have tested 4.2 or try betas for Fedora 11, Mandriva 2009.1 and OpenSuse. Mandriva would be my next choice after Kubuntu if you want good KDE UI. Fedora 11 if you want cutting edge code base and features. OpenSUSE if you don't mind the clutter, actually forget openSUSE since the next release (with KDE 4.3) is a long way off anyway :)

Personally I feel Kubuntu is the best to check out KDE4.2 with least distro-specific modifications/customisation :) Only reason to drop it would be if there is some hardware compatibility issues like sound playback or like you mentioned some people find Fedora more responsive/fast/snappy with its low-latency kernel.
I actually checked kubuntu 8.10 and Mandriva 2009.0. Is kubuntu jaunty beta stable. And can i know the reason why to stay away from the lesser known distros. Sabayon is gentoo based distro so was considering it.
Yes thats why, they are old versions 8.10 and 2009.0 and not very good with KDE :)

Try Kubuntu 9.04 beta its stable... I'm running the amd64 version since alphas! But backup your data anyways just in case :p

Reason why I say avoid lesser distros is they don't get as much test coverage since users are fewer...

But since you mention you are gentoo interested then go for it!

If you have time/bandwidth I would say test a handful of distros with KDE 4.2 and make your own choice :)
Sabayon don't even have KDE 4.1 in 4r1 // They will come up with 4.2 with their 4.1 release.. which should be available soon..

For KDE 4.2 try Mandriva 2009.1 Rc2 which will be releasing anytime soon :)
Installed Kubuntu 9.04 beta. Its gr8 upgrade from the 8.10 version which sucked ! :bleh: Still some crashing probs but..well wht to say its still a beta product. So cant complain much...Another question is which repos should i add for larger s/w database and faster downloading...:)
amey_dude said:
Installed Kubuntu 9.04 beta. Its gr8 upgrade from the 8.10 version which sucked ! :bleh: Still some crashing probs but..well wht to say its still a beta product. So cant complain much...Another question is which repos should i add for larger s/w database and faster downloading...:)

Open KPackageKit under the system menu and in the settings section click "edit software sources", under the Kubuntu Software tab select all except "sources" if you dont need source and the Download From option might be India, you can change it to a fast location like Sweden or Japan (I use the main swedish mirror).

In the ThirdParty tab you can select the 2 partner items (avoid selecting CD)...

In the Updates tab should be selected important and recommended. You can also select pre-released and unsupported if you want to try early versions which might not have had lots of testing...

edit: BTW what is your hardware config? Do you face any sound playback issues? :) It was fixed recently but some people still reporting sound playback problems.

Also, what crashing problems specifically? Konquerer web browser crashes on a few sites so I installed and use Firefox occasionally...

And if you do a package/system update you should get many bugfixes that were released since the beta... many 100 mbs of downloads await you :)